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Worship Guide | July 2, 2023


A Word from Our Pastor Good morning, FBC Corsicana! First of all….TO GOD BE THE GLORY for all that happened during Vacation Bible School! What a phenomenal week of ministry and missions with our children! Thank you to each of you who were a part ...

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Worship Guide | June 25, 2023


A Word from Our Pastor Good morning, First Baptist Family! Well, it is here! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL WEEK! It’s only the most important week in the annual ministry of our church. I am so excited to be used by God in the lives of children ...

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Worship Guide | June 18, 2023


A Word from Our Pastor A Love Letter for The Father, on Father’s Day What a day!! A day to remember, You, our Father. You have promised countless times that you love us and that You’ll never leave us. You even went so far as ...

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