Please be aware that when you give by text or through this website, the church may incur transaction fees. Giving through your bank’s online banking or bill pay service gives you more control, and it may be less costly to the church. If you are not sure how to set that up, links to several local banks are located on this page.
If you would rather not go to the trouble of setting up online banking, you can GIVE NOW by following the instructions below after clicking the GIVING PORTAL button.
How to Use Text Giving
Giving by text is hands-down the easiest way to give.
- Text the word GIVE to 903-467-5806.
- If it’s your first time, you’ll be prompted to click a link directing you to the online giving page to complete a one-time registration.
- Click “SIGN IN” then “REGISTER FOR AN ACCOUNT” at the bottom of the page.
- Complete contact information then click “REGISTER”
- Enter the SECURE PIN that the system texts you.
- Select the fund, enter the donation amount, and payment information before completing your gift.
- Click SAVE PAYMENT to keep your payment information securely saved for future gifts.
- To text a donation after the one-time registration, you can give immediately without having to re-enter any of your information. Simply text the desired amount and the fund keyword to 903-467-5806. Ex: 250 budget for $250.00 to the Budget fund.
EDIT – Make changes to your giving account and update contact information and/or update payment information.
REFUND – Refund your last gift. You must text “REFUND” within 15 minutes to refund the gift. If you realized the mistake after 15 minutes, contact the church and we will assist you with a refund.
KEYWORD – See a list of active keywords. Keywords are the fund names that the church/organization has set up.