Our Mission
The mission of First Baptist is the Great Commission spoken by Jesus in Matthew 28,
“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Our Purpose
We are committed to reaching out to people near and far in order to share the life-giving message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We will work hard to see lost people be saved. We will tell His story and grow His Kingdom!
We are committed to guiding people to move from being mere Christians to being true disciples of Jesus. We will do everything in our power to disciple all believers to a mature walk with the Lord!
We are committed to going out to love and serve our community and our world in the name of Jesus! We refuse to simply attend church. We refuse to simply sit and soak when Christ called us to serve. We commit to go and never stop going for our Lord!
Ministerial Staff
We are excited to work with First Baptist Corsicana
to spread the gospel and serve our community.
Danny loves working out, watching and playing sports, fishing, and working in the yard.
Jeff enjoys reading, hiking, tennis, jumping rope, swimming, and gardening. When not doing these things, he’s probably watching his favorite movie Fantastic Mr. Fox.
Steve is an accomplished musician and vocalist. He sings and plays guitar with “The Texas Country Boys” a group that engages in international mission/evangelistic tours.
El Hermano Loyd es un apasionado de las misiones. Después de graduarse de la escuela secundaria, sirvió un año en el servicio voluntario misionero entre Nicaragua y Honduras.
Loyd Miguel
Hispanic Pastor
Ha hecho enfasis en el discipulado porque el cree que solo asi podremos dejar una generacion de lideres, servidores y adoradores que lleven adelante la obra del Senor.
Landon Murillo
Hispanic Music/Worship
Cathy has worked as a Counselor. She enjoys spending time with family and almost anything Sci-Fi.
Our Core Values
B – Bible Study
We believe the Bible is God’s Word to us–it is absolutely true. When the Bible speaks, God speaks, thus at our church the Bible will be taught and learned. Every member of our church is expected to be in a small group Bible Study.
A – Adoration
We believe that every member should consistently be in a large-group worship experience. In worship, we should experience that we are here together, and God is here with us. With this understanding, we should burst forth in praise!
S – Soul-Winning
We believe that reaching out to those who don’t know Jesus is vitally important, and we expect every member of our church to be sharing their faith. We must remember that in Soul-winning we have a part that God won’t do, and He has a part that we cannot do!
I – Intercession
A basic, core value of the Christian life is prayer, and the truth is that you cannot really call yourself a Christian if you don’t pray. We expect every member of our church to be a person that talks and listens to God in prayer.
C – Compassion
Compassion simply stated is love that cares enough to act. It is being a people who love enough to do something. We expect every member of our church to love people who are inside the church and outside the church.
S – Stewardship
We believe that a healthy church is always a generous church, therefore, First Baptist is a family who strives to honor God with our money. We understand that all wealth belongs to God; He allows us to manage a portion of it; He wants His wealth in circulation to support His work; and God approves our stewardship when we give to Him first. Ever member at our church is expected to give and steward God’s resources well.