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Men’s Ministry

Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27.17

Work Days

Our next work day will be Saturday, February 17, 2024. Meet us at the Family Life Center at 8:00am.


Connection Group

Come join us each Monday morning at 6:00am. We share prayer concern and discuss how to live authentically. Coffee usually provided. And sometimes breakfast items.

Then take advantage of the following resources. A gift to you from us.

Men’s Retreat

We have two retreats each year. One in the Fall and one in the spring. The fall retreat is on-site and the spring retreat is off-site.

Our Spring Retreat is scheduled for January 31-February 1. Our speaker will be Dr. Scott Venable. We’re looking forward to an exciting time and a chance for God to change lives. We will take a bus, but you can also drive yourself.

Schedule | Friday, February 2

Schedule | Saturday, February 3

About the Speakers

Things to Know

Things to Bring

Shirt & Hat Information

**IMPORTANT: Key return will start on Saturday morning after breakfast and will end at 10:45am. Table will be set up at back of the Great Hall. Please keep track of your key. There is a significant fee charged to us (you) for lost/unreturned keys.