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Worship Guide | June 11, 2023


A Word from Our Pastor Good morning, FBC Corsicana! We welcome our children back from children’s camp, and we prepare to send our students to camp this week! Be praying for these teens as they go to grow in their walk with the Lord. This ...

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Worship Guide | June 4, 2023


A Word from Our Pastor Good morning, FBC! Today is a BIG day! Not only do we get the chance to continue our study on LOVE in the book of 1 Corinthians, but we also send our first group to CAMP! Yes, camp season is ...

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Guia de Adoración | 4 de Junio, 2023


Un Mensaje De Nuestro Pastor Buen día a todos. ¡Sean bienvenidos todos a la Casa de Dios! Esta mañana estaré predicando bajo el tema: “EVALUANDO MI CAMINAR CON EL SEÑOR.” Seguidamente necesitamos tomar una pausa y evaluar como estoy con Dios. Vale la pena hacerlo. ...

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Worship Guide | May 28 2023


A Word from Our Pastor Every Memorial Day it is important that we remember! We need to remember the lives that were given, the lives that never got to be lived, and the people they left behind. I believe on this day that this is ...

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