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Month: May 2023

Worship Guide | May 28 2023


A Word from Our Pastor Every Memorial Day it is important that we remember! We need to remember the lives that were given, the lives that never got to be lived, and the people they left behind. I believe on this day that this is ...

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Proposed Amendments


A small committee charged by the Deacon Council to review our Constitution and By-Laws recently completed its work. In accordance with established rules, enumerated below, their work, proposed amendments, were presented in writing at the Church Conference on Sunday, 23 May 2023. See Article Five ...

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Guia de Adoración | 21 de Mayo, 2023


Un Mensaje De Nuestro Pastor Buen día amados hermanos y hermanas. A nuestros amigos y amigas les damos una cordial BIENVENIDA. Que bueno que estemos hoy aquí.  ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que leíste tu Biblia? De hecho, te pregunto: ¿Tienes una Biblia? Si necesitas ...

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Worship Guide | May 21 2023


A Word from Our Pastor Good morning, First Baptist Church! Last Sunday was a great day as we celebrated the commitments of numerous young parents who dedicated themselves to raising their children for the glory of God!  We applaud and support these parents! Today, we move ...

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