Frequently Asked Questions
What is Reunion?
It’s a chance to start over. How many times in our lives can we truly start over? Rarely does it happen, but with COVID, we have this unique chance to do exactly that within our church.
When will Reunion start?
We will kick things off on Sunday, September 13. Come join us as we begin a journey to discover the Biblical heart of who a Christian is and what a church is meant to be!
What will Reunion involve?
It will include a six-sermon preaching series, six connected Bible studies for all ages, several service projects, a prayer march, and a church-wide effort to start over as a church.
Where will my class meet on Sunday, September 13?
Most of our Bible study classes will meet in their usual location. To maintain social distancing, there will be a few exceptions. We will use the Fellowship Hall for several classes.
Are we all going to teach the same lesson in every class?
That is the plan. As a church we will follow a six-week lesson plan. Our Bible study lessons will relate to each week’s sermon.
How and when will I get my Bible study lessons?
The lessons will be emailed to class directors and teachers as they are completed. The first two lessons should be emailed by Saturday, September 5. Copies will also be available in the Church Office.
Is it safe to meet again for Bible study?
Only God knows, but just as we have been taking precautions in our worship services, we will also take precautions in our Bible study classes to mitigate the risk of a COVID spread. Read additional details…
Our Theme…
The UNIFYING TRUTH is accepting & believing that Jesus is Lord.
Once we choose Christ, we are connected with the filling of a UNIFYING SPIRIT.
This empowering of the Holy Spirit fills us with a passion brought on by a UNIFYING DEVOTION.
This devotion opens us to discovering a UNIFYING ROLE to be used in the diverse ministry of the church.
And when we do that effectively, we are then able to achieve a UNIFYING CALL to missions both local & around the world.
And it’s when we see God working in us and through us that we respond with a life of UNIFYING CELEBRATION!
Other Links (coming Soon!)
Sermon Series
Bible Study Lessons