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Worship Guide | October 15,2023

By admin


A Word from the Pastor

Are you a witness for Jesus Christ?

That word “witness” is an interesting word. In the original New Testament language of Greek, the word is martus. It generally refers to someone who is called upon to testify at a trial. It is someone who has first-hand information. I like this word, because it helps us remember who we are and who we are not.

Think of it this way from the spiritual side of things:

  • We are not the lawyer, judge, jury, arresting officer, or prosecuting attorney
  • We are only witnesses.
  • We are to simply share what we have come to know from personal experience through our saving relationship with Jesus.

SO…Once again I ask you….

Are you a witness?

The answer is “YES!” You are either a contagious one or a contaminated one!

Serving Jesus,

Pastor Danny

SanCtuary Flowers


Church Conference

Sanctuary Flowers

The sanctuary flowers are given in memory of Jeff Davis by Truett & Joanna Lewis and family.


Church Conference

Sanctuary Flowers

The sanctuary flowers are given in memory of Jeff Davis by Truett & Joanna Lewis and family.


October 18

BSM Lunch

October 20-21

Men’s Fall Retreat

October 29

November 12

Deacon Ministry


Gary Wigley
Chris Higgs


Scott Powers
Thomas McNutt

On Call

Darrell Shelton
James Hooser

Midweek Bible Studies

The Gospel of John reminds us to believe in Jesus and find life in his name. Despite what our culture may argue, there is only one hope that is truly trustworthy and that is our savior, Jesus Christ.

Led by Pastor Danny | Wednesdays @ 6:00pm | Choir Room

A Bible study for women led by Marla Woolsey | Wednesday @ 6:00pm | E308

A Bible 101 study led by Deadra Gage | Wednesday @ 6:00pm | Fellowship Hall

Family Meal

Cost is $3 per person. Call the Church Office (903) 872-7473 by Tuesday to make a reservation.

Wednesdays @ 5pm in the Family Life Center.

Spaghetti with meat sauce, Green Beans, Salad, Desserts, Tea & Water.

Music Ministry

Worship Practice/Rehearsal

Worship Team meets Wednesday at 5:15pm in the Sanctuary.
Celebration Choir meets Wednesday @ 7:00pm in the Sanctuary.
Solid Rockers will sing at Brookdale Assisted Living on October 19.

Children’s Ministry

Kids Praise

We offer children’s worship during the 11:00am service. Parents should sign in kids on the landing before service or when dismissed. Children can be picked up on the 4th floor.

Student Ministry News

Sunday School | FLC | 9:45am. Come be a part of our small groups as we learn about all sorts of topics through the lens of Scripture.

D-Groups | Higgs’ Home | Sunday @ 6:00pm. Join us for our discussion based Bible study. Currently studying the book of Acts.

EDGE | FLC | Wednesday @ 6:30pm. Our Mid-week service is a time to unplug from the busy week with fellowship, food, and worship.

Disciple Now will be here before we know it! Go ahead and mark it on your calendar: January 12-14, 2024!

55+ Ministry

Christmas Trolley Trip | December 14 | $20 per person

Mens Ministry

Connection Group | Mondays @ 6:00am | E112 (FH)

Women’s Ministry

Christmas Gathering | Thursday, December 7 @ 6:00pm | FLC

Ticket sales for hostesses begins October 22; for individuals November 5.
See Dawn Coley or Pattie Lucas for more information.


Our church goal: 850 shoeboxes

Shoeboxes are available in the Welcome Center

National Collection Week is November 13-20

Additional Opportunities

For more ways to serve go HERE