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Worship Guide | May 22, 2022

By admin


A Word from Our Pastor

Good morning, FBC!!

How exciting! High School graduation is behind us, and the summer of 2022 is ahead of us!  

BUT WAIT! Today, we have the privilege of diving into the Old Testament, one of the most exciting collections of books in all literature–and the Old Testament is true!! God’s work in and through the nation of Israel is an important background study for Christians to understand. Join me this morning as we speak again about the big names and the big events of the Old Testament.

Today, we focus on Jacob, whose name means “to grasp or grab.” In other words, some have called him the “Grabber!” After today’s sermon, you will know why!

I’m glad you are here!
Pastor Danny

Beloved Ladies Ministries

Beloved Ladies, we are grateful for all you do for our ministry and thank you for a wonderful year of heart felt Love. We look forward to seeing how the Lord will lead us. We hope you enjoyed meeting your Secret Sister and can enjoy your new friendship with your sister in Christ. God bless you and look forward to seeing all of you next month.

Student Ministry

Starting tonight, FBCSM will have Sonic Sundays from 6-7 pm to fellowship and hang out! Bring a friend and Tim will buy their drink!

June 6-10 | Riverbend in Glen Rose, TX | $150

Childrens Ministry

Kids Praise

We offer children’s worship in the 11 am service. Parents should sign in kids on the landing before service or when dismissed. Children can be picked up on the 4th floor.

Sunday Night

Evening Service @ 6PM

Sanctuary Flower

The sanctuary flowers are given in loving memory of Nancy LeMay, Sonley and Dorothy LeMay and Noel and Garnet Kendrick by Dr. Robert LeMay.

Deacon Ministry

Gary Wigley, David Taylor
On Call:
Mike Richardson, Loran Seely
Mike Gage, Josh Wallen


May 22
Deacon/Widow Luncheon

May 26
Solid Rockers @ Twilight

MAY 30
Memorial Day
Office & FLC Closed

June 5
Casual Sundays Begin

Midweek Info

Family Meal

Will Resume When School Year Begins

Bible Studies

YHWH The Lord
Led by Deadra Gage
Wed @ 6 pm A102
Lesson 7: Days 1-5

Prayer Meeting/Bible Study
Led by Brother Danny
Wed @ 6pm in the Choir Room

Body Recall

Each week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we offer a class that emphasizes strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The class is led by Jimmie Buchanan, our local Body Recall expert.

Ministry Opportunities

We want you to find your place of service and ministry at FBC. Please look at the following list and inform the Church Office if you want to volunteer in these areas.

During the school year, we will continue to host a Good News Club for Bowie Elementary. We are looking for five or six volunteers to help shepherd the children. If you can help during the school year, please contact Cathy Byrne or Lillie Osborne.

Vacation Bible School

We need several people to help decorate, register children, and to serve as shepherds for VBS which is scheduled for July 18-21, 1:00 pm till 5:00 pm. We will have a sign-up table out next week.

Nursery Workers.

We need volunteers for both worship services.

Guest Services

We are looking for smiling faces to welcome families, students, and children to our facility. You can assist families with check-in, collect information from guests, and help guide visitors to the appropriate class or group.

We are currently in need of socks of all sizes. Also, we need people to sort through clothes donations. If you would like to help, contact Cleita Ferrell.

There are two ways to help our bus ministry. First, you can drive a bus route. Second, you can pick someone up on your way to church. Don’t let the lack of transportation keep someone from experiencing the blessing of Christian fellowship. To help, contact the Church Office or Stan Osborne.

Nursery Workers.

We need volunteers for both worship services.