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Worship Guide | July 24, 2022

By admin


A Word from Our Pastor

What a week of VBS we had! Our theme was Sparks Studio, and we focused on God as our Creator. We considered what it meant to be the Creative Designer’s “workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10). We learned that music, art, and creativity can all be avenues for bringing God glory. I pray today that you realize what a beautiful creation you are…formed by the hands of God!

Let me take the chance to thank everyone who served in VBS! From our security team, to the preparers of snacks, to shepherds, to Bible story teachers, to song leaders, every member of the team was valuable! We had an average of 240-250 on the campus each day, and we saw several children ask Jesus to be their Lord and Savior! AMEN!

Most of all, I want to thank Cathy Byrne for a job WELL DONE! I am very proud of the Spirit-led, excellent leadership she provided. Please give your thanks to her and Bobby today as you see them.  

To God be the Glory,
Pastor Danny

PS…Let me know if you see Professor Sparks!

Student Ministry

We will NOT be meeting at Sonic (Drive-In on 7th Ave) Tonight.

EDGE WILL meet this Wednesday @ 6:30 pm.

Come out to the lake for some fun! Our last summer event will be at the Reuter’s house on Richland-Chambers Lake. Join us this Friday (July 29) from 4-8 pm. We will eat and fellowship and play on the lake.

Childrens Ministry

Kids Praise

Children’s worship is available in the 11 am service. Parents should register kids on the landing before service or when dismissed. Children can be picked up on the 4th floor.

Happy Camper

Our last meeting for the summer will be this Wednesday (July 27) @ 6 pm. This is for children who have completed K-6th grade.


We had a fantastic week. There is so much to celebrate. We had an average of 150 kids and almost 100 adult and youth volunteers. Several decisions were made and we had many blessings. Our offering for the Matamoros Children’s Home was over $2000. The kids had a wonderful time throwing slime at the staff and enjoying sno-cones on our Thursday Family Night.

Thank you to all the prayer warriors, the shepherds, safety team, bible story and bible skill leaders, craft leaders, mission leaders, music leaders, recreation leaders, and snack leaders. We also appreciate the office and custodial staff who worked extra hard this week to make everything a success.

Keep praying. Pray that families of boys and girls would be drawn to explore FBC. Pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to move in the lives of those children who still need Christ. Pray that the work begun in the lives of the volunteers and the children would continue and that our church would be transformed to that which Jesus called us to be.

Music Ministry

Celebration Choir

NO rehearsal for the rest of July.

Regular rehearsal will resume Wednesday, August 3.

Solid Rockers Choir

Rehearsals will resume in the fall.

Beloved Ladies Ministries

Victoria Bailey will lead a Bible Study on August 11 from 6-8 pm in Fellowship Hall. The Bible Study is Breathe, Making Room for Sabbath, by Priscilla Shirer. We will be in session 5 for the first half of study. We will have a meeting from 7:15-8 pm to review this year’s business and future year for Beloved Ladies Ministry. We invite all who want to be part of the Women’s Ministry and want to serve in this ministry. Childcare is available. Contact Victoria Bailey at 214-995-2319 or in the Church Office.

Budget Planning for FY 22-23

Budget recommendations should be submitted to Jeff Fitzhugh today.

August 7 – Budget Planning Meeting #1

August 14 – Budget Planning Meeting #2

August 21 – Budget Planning Meeting #3

August 29 – Budget sent to church body (available in Office)


Church Conference @ 6 pm

Sanctuary Flowers

The sanctuary flowers are given in loving memory of Mrs. T.M. Stokes and Thomas Art Stokes by Leah Wortham.


July 25
Good News Cafe

July 29

August 2 & 3
Backpacks of Love

August 4
55+ Game Nite

August 11
Ladies Bible Study

Deacon Ministry

Tom Lucas
Mike Gage

Mike Richardson
Doug Woolsey

Monty Trimble
Scott Royal

Midweek Bible Studies


Prayer Meeting/Bible Study
Led by Brother Danny
Wed @ 6pm in the Choir Room

These are confusing times for many Christians. Traditional biblical values are not only rejected; it seems as if they’re attacked on every front. It has all happened at warp speed, leaving many spiritually and culturally disoriented or even fearful, frustrated, and angry. How can we spiritually survive in an increasingly spiritually hostile environment?

Church Life

Body Recall

Each week (M-W-F) we offer a class that emphasizes strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The class meets in the FLC at 9 am and is led by Jimmie Buchanan.

Budget Planning

Committees and Ministry Teams should submit recommendations by Sunday, July 24. Budget Request forms are available in the Church Office.

Fifty-Five+ Ministry

Game Night | Thursday, August 4, 6 pm
Tickets are $5. They will be sold July 24 & 31.

Ministry Opportunities

Good News Café/Closet

On Mondays, team members prepare and serve a free hot meal to people in our community, ministering and praying for those who attend. Meals are served from 11:00am to 12:30pm. We also distribute clothes.

Good News Cares

The Mission Committee is sponsoring a shower for the Hope Center. We are looking for a leadership team of hostesses who will create a collection display, collect donations on Sundays, organize the donations, and deliver them with refreshments to the Hope Center. We will prepare in July, collect in August and deliver in early September.

Contact Michelle Purifoy at 214-529-5233.

Guest Services

We are looking for smiling faces to welcome families, students, and children to our facility. You can assist families with check-in, collect information from guests, and help guide visitors to the appropriate class or group.

Habitat for Humanity

Every Saturday morning you can help a family build a place to call home. Work is from 8am till 12 noon at 1108 E 4th Avenue. For more information, see Rick Jarrell.

Backpacks of love

You can help in four ways:

1) Doers—distribute backpacks on August 2 & 3.

2) Sharers—pass out flyers to promote campaign.

3) Providers—bring prayer requests of needs.