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Worship Guide | January 29, 2023

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A Word from Our Pastor

Welcome to worship, First Baptist Family

If you went to the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., you would see a plaque on the wall that would certainly grab your attention. It is a quotation from Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem, In Memoriam. It says,



It’s referring to the Second Coming of Jesus! And let me confidently declare to you this morning that Jesus Christ is going to return to planet earth!  This is the main event to which all of creation is moving!

In today’s sermon, we will study Mark 13 when Jesus looks ahead and predicts 3 things that will happen before He returns.

Pay careful attention, because we all have to be ready.

Listen carefully today, for God is speaking,

Pastor Danny

Wednesday Night Bible Studies

The Book of Mark

Led by Deadra Gage | Wednesday | E112 |This week: Week 6 Day 3 & 4

God is speaking. Do you know how to listen?
Pastor Danny will lead a series that teaches what it means for Christians to discern the voice of God in their lives.

Student Ministry

Sunday School (Sundays | 9:45-10:30am)

D-GROUPS (Sundays | 6-7pm)

Edge (Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm)

High School Students, get excited! This Spring Break (March 12-15) we will be going on a BOUNCE Mission Trip to Jefferson County! We will be staying at FBC Nederland and working in surrounding areas. Cost is ONLY $50!! Talk to Tim today about this great opportunity!

Children’s Ministry


No Kidspraise this week. Parents may pick up an activity packet for their child outside the Sanctuary doors.

Cultivate 28

Every Wednesday—6:00-7:30pm.

Shout Choir // Bible Skills // Bible Stories // Missions // Recreation

Nursery Workers

We are in need of nursery workers to work during worship services and special. Contact Lesley Keltner or Church Office.

Sunday School Teacher

We have an opening for some Sunday School helpers in our Children’s area. If you are interest, contact Cathy Byrne.

Music Ministry

Body Recall

Each week (M-W-F) we offer a class that emphasizes strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The class meets in the FLC at 9 am and is led by

Jimmie Buchanan.

Beloved Ladies Ministry

Sanctity of Life. “Night of Hope”. February 8th, 6-7pm. Fellowship Hall

Lauren Veneble – Hope Center, Guest Speaker



Worship Service

February 8

Beloved Ladies Meeting &

“Night of Hope”/Fellowship Hall


February 12

No Evening Service

January 22-February 19

Baby Bottle Boomerang Campaign


Valentines Day Dinner | February 14. 6:00pm in Fellowship Hall.

Enterainment by Ed & Terry Miller. Ticket’s $10.00 EA.

This is the last Sunday to purchase tickets in the welcome center with Nanette Bray.


Worship Service

Sanctuary flowers

Family Night First

The sanctuary flowers are given by Davey, Dana and their families to honor the wedding anniversary of Wilson and Robbie Griffin.


Wednesdays @ 5pm in the Family Life Center. Make a reservation by Tuesday.

Sloppy Joes, Potato Chips, Pinto Beans
Salad & Desserts, Tea & Water.

Call the Church Office (903) 872-7473 by Tuesday to make a reservation.

Deacon Ministry

Monty Trimble
Jerry Ashcraft

Jerry Eddins
Steve Adams

Thomas McNutt
Mike Richardson

Find A Place To Serve

ESL (English Second Language)

Classes will begin on Wednesday, August 17 from 6-7:30 pm.
We have several volunteer needs:

1) Bilingual Helpers (6-7:30 pm) *
2) Full, Part-Time or Substitute Teachers (6-7:30 pm) †
3) Registration Clerks & Guides (5:45-6:30 pm)

* If you are in the choir, you can help till 7:00 pm.
† Bilingual not required

Safety Team

Team members work to provide a safe environment for church members during worship services and other church events. This team also provides leadership during emergency situations.

Guest Services

We are looking for smiling faces to welcome families, students, and children to our facility. You can assist families with check-in, collect information from guests, and help guide visitors to the appropriate class or group.

Good News Cafe/closet

Team members collect, sort, and distribute clothing to those in need. They also prepare and distribute basic hygiene kits. We are in need of coats, men’s work clothing and children’s clothing.

On Mondays, team members prepare and serve a free hot meal to people in our community, ministering and praying for those who attend. Meals are served from 11-12:30pm.

Good news clubs

Team members lead Bible clubs for CISD elementary schools.
Our club for Bowie Elementary meets on Tuesdays.
To help contact Michelle Purifoy @ 214-529-5233.

Habitat for Humanity

Every Saturday morning you can help a family build a place to call home. Work is from 8am till 12 noon at 1108 E 4th Avenue. For more information, see Rick Jarrell.

Worship Media Team

Team members help coordinate tech support for worship services. We are currently seeking a member to help run lights.

Ministry Team Greeters

Team members welcome and direct guests who visit our facility.