A Word from Our Pastor
Good morning, Church Family!!!
I am so glad you have made the choice to be with us in worship today! If you are a member of our church already, I welcome you, and if you are considering becoming a part of our fellowship, I invite you. God is here, and He is working in our church He is definitely ready to speak even this morning. Let’s make sure we lean in close so we can hear exactly what He has to say to us.
Let me tell you a little about this morning’s sermon….Our passage today comes from Jesus’ final week on earth. It’s going to reveal a stark contrast between religious hypocrites and a faithful woman. You see, the hypocrites were show-offs seeking attention, and the unnamed, unnoticed widow was neglected and ignored by everyone, except Jesus. The religious show-offs were mostly interested in what they could GET out of life, and the poor widow was interested in all she could GIVE. The show-offs received the condemnation from the Lord, and the wonderful widow received an eternal commendation from Jesus. So, as we study these two contrasting pictures, it should be our desire to avoid the attitude of the hypocrites, and to adopt the action of the widow.
Let’s give Jesus our all today!
Love in Christ,
Pastor Danny
Discipleship Opportunities
The Book of Mark
Led by Deadra Gage | Wednesday | E112 |This week: Week 6 Day 1 & 2
God is speaking. Do you know how to listen?
Pastor Danny will lead a series that teaches what it means for Christians to discern the voice of God in their lives.
Student Ministry
Sunday School (9:45AM)
Edge (wednesday | 6:30-7:45)
Children’s Ministry
KidsPraise will be offered during the 11am service. Parents should sign in kids on the landing before service or when dismissed. Pick-up is on the 4th floor. Also, parents may pick up an activity packet for their child outside the Sanctuary doors.
Cultivate 28
Every Wednesday—6:00-7:30pm.
Shout Choir // Bible Skills // Bible Stories // Missions // Recreation
Nursery Workers
We are in need of nursery workers to work during worship services and special. Contact Lesley Keltner or Church Office.
Sunday School Teacher
We have an opening for some Sunday School helpers in our Children’s area. If you are interest, contact Cathy Byrne.
Music Ministry
Body Recall
Each week (M-W-F) we offer a class that emphasizes strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The class meets in the FLC at 9 am and is led by
Jimmie Buchanan.
Beloved Ladies Ministry
Next meeting will be Wednesday, February 8th.
We will be hosting the Baby Bottle Boomerang, a fundraising campaign to benefiting the Hope Center. Theme is a “Night of Hope”. Lauren Veneble w ill be our speaker. Finger foods will be provided.
Worship Service
February 8
Beloved Ladies Meeting &
“Night of Hope”/Hope Center
February 12
No Evening Service
January 22-February 19
Baby Bottle Boomerang
Valentines Day Dinner | February 14. 6:00pm in Fellowship Hall.
Dinner & Enterainment by Ed & Terry Miller. Ticket’s $10.00 EA.
Ticket’s on sale January 22nd in the welcome center with Nanette Bray.
Worship Service
Sanctuary flowers
Sanctuary flowers are given in loving memory of BF Risinger by Jan, Mark and Andrew.
Family Night First
Wednesdays @ 5pm in the Family Life Center. Make a reservation by Tuesday.
Shepherd’s Pie, Black-eyed Peas, Jello with fruit,
Salad & Desserts, Tea & Water.
Call the Church Office (903) 872-7473 by Tuesday to make a reservation.
Deacon Ministry
Doug Woolsey
Jerry Ashcraft
Loran Seely
John Arnold
Jason Payne
Scott Royal
Ministry Opportunities | Serve
ESL (English Second Language)
Classes will begin on Wednesday, August 17 from 6-7:30 pm.
We have several volunteer needs:
1) Bilingual Helpers (6-7:30 pm) *
2) Full, Part-Time or Substitute Teachers (6-7:30 pm) †
3) Registration Clerks & Guides (5:45-6:30 pm)
* If you are in the choir, you can help till 7:00 pm.
† Bilingual not required
Safety Team
Team members work to provide a safe environment for church members during worship services and other church events. This team also provides leadership during emergency situations.
Guest Services
We are looking for smiling faces to welcome families, students, and children to our facility. You can assist families with check-in, collect information from guests, and help guide visitors to the appropriate class or group.
Good News Cafe/closet
Good news clubs
Team members lead Bible clubs for CISD elementary schools. We will begin working with Bowie Elementary on Tuesday, January 17. To help contact Michelle Purifoy @ 214-529-5233.
Habitat for Humanity
Every Saturday morning you can help a family build a place to call home. Work is from 8am till 12 noon at 1108 E 4th Avenue. For more information, see Rick Jarrell.
Worship Media Team
Team members help coordinate tech support for worship services. We are currently seeking a member to help run lights.
Ministry Team Greeters
Team members welcome and direct guests who visit our facility.