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Pastor’s Update: April 8, 2020 (COVID-19)


Dear FBC Family, Easter is upon us! Praise be to God in the midst of this time of unparalleled uncertainty that we can celebrate something more steady, more true, and more rock-solid than anything else in all history…THE FACT THAT JESUS CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD! ...

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Tenebrae Home Edition Online Jesus Storybook Bible


1. Open in prayer: invite God to meet you in space and guide you to remember the death of His Son, Jesus. 2. Read pages 286-292 // The Servant King – The Last Supper Optional: Listen to Behold the Lamb by Passion 3. Extinguish candle ...

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At-Home Good Friday Tenebrae Service


While we cannot meet in person, it is still important for us as Christ-followers to pause during this Holy Week to remember what Christ did for us on the Cross. In many ways it is even more important during this season of uncertainty to pause ...

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