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Sharon Goodman Scholarship

Student Scholarship for Theological Education

The Sharon Goodman Scholarship is awarded on a competitive basis without regard for race, creed, color or sex. Awards are granted annually. No funds go directly to the students, but to the colleges or seminary of their choice and placed in an account in the business office to pay tuition, books, fees, supplies, room and board. If a student is unable to use all the money, the college or seminary must return the remainder to First Baptist Church. Recipients must re-apply for a grant each year they attend classes.

Application & Deadline

Applications are available in the Church Office and on this website.

Application Deadline is Sunday, December 13.


If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to our scholarship fund please send your check to:

First Baptist Church
Sharon Goodman Scholarship Fund
510 W Collin St
Corsicana, TX 75110


If awarded the Sharon Goodman Scholarship, you will:

  • Seek to complete your degree.
  • Maintain an active membership in First Baptist Corsicana.

No repayment of this scholarship is required or expected. You may, however, contribute to the Sharon Goodman Scholarship Fund at some future date to help other deserving students.