FBC provides Sunday transportation for children, teens, and adults. Each Sunday, 2 mini-buses transport riders to and from Worship Services and Sunday School. The Bus Ministry is directed by church secretary Becky Thurston.
The purpose of the Bus Ministry is found in Luke 14:23 and Acts 1:8. Our desire is to reach out into the community, our Jerusalem and invite children, teens and adults to experience first hand all that Christ has to offer them. A dedicated group of drivers contact riders every week and drive buses each Sunday with one overriding purpose: to reach people for Christ.
We have an 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship service with Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. You can attend the 8:30 am worship service and 9:45 am Sunday School OR attend the 9:45 am Sunday School and 11:00 am worship service.
Sunday Route
Bus service is provided for residents of Corsicana.
Pick up times vary, but in general, for the 8:30 am worship service and Sunday school, pick up time is between 8:00 am and 8:20 am. Sunday school is over at 10:45 am and the driver will take you home at that time.
Pick up times for Sunday school and the 11:00 am worship service is between 9:00 am and 9:35 am. Immediately after the 11:00 am service (about 12:00 noon) the driver will take you home.
You will be given an approximate time of pick up each Sunday depending on the number of riders each week. To schedule a free ride to church, contact the church office at 903-872-7473 Monday-Friday 8:00-5:00 or email anytime at becky@fbccorsicana.org.
You can volunteer to help drive a bus or ride on the bus as a chaperone. As a chaperone, you would greet the riders and make sure everyone is safely in their seats so the driver can concentrate on driving. Please contact the church office if you would like to help.
Requirements for Service
All drivers will need to provide a copy of their driver’s license and insurance card.
A background check and training form will need to be filled out as well.
All drivers should make themselves familiar with the following resources.