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IMB Prayer Requests

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  • (VIN-took) – "In April, you were asked to pray for the participants at our One Day Camp to experience the movement of God," writes Team Namibia. "We had the largest number of young people attend this event to date, and 20 youth decided to commit their lives to following Jesus. The next day, during the church's worship service, 13 of these new believers were baptized with their families present, celebrating with them their new lives found in Jesus. We are extremely thankful for your prayers and ask that you would please continue to pray for these young new believers to […]
  • (WAH-soo-loo) – A Wassulu village lies miles across a river, down a dirt road, and along a well-worn path. Residents don't have frequent guests coming from outside their region where farmers grow corn and peanuts as staple foods and cotton as a cash crop. As the oldest person in the village, Kathy has been revered for her age, for in the Wassulu culture, the aged are greatly respected. For about eight decades, she has lived in this remote region, following the ways of Islam and trusting in her ancestors. It's all she has known. Though she considered herself to be […]
  • (muh-NOWS) – A major step in church planting is "passing the baton" fully to local leadership in that church. Some mature believers have been actively attempting to do that over the past year with a local church that was planted several years ago. Please join them in praying for the church in the "CDL community" and for the local pastor, Paul, and his wife as they continue to lead this work. Pray for more lay leaders to step up and help this couple. Also pray for the mature believers to have wisdom in knowing how best to assist this congregation […]
  • (tee-more LESS-tay) – Please join us in earnest prayer that the Lakalei people of Timor-Leste would desire a right relationship with God, through Jesus Christ. The majority of Lakalei people would say they are Catholic, but there are still many ethnic/traditional practices that show where they have actually placed their faith. A small team of local workers from the neighboring country are hoping to visit the Lakalie people in August, so let's begin praying now for hearts to be prepared to receive Him. Pray these workers are able to enter Timor-Leste and find a guide to take them to the […]
  • (an-uh-TOHL-yuh) – In April, you were asked to pray for Shari and Chelsea's friend from the park, Olivia. She is not a believer, but they have been able to have some spiritual conversation with her. They were once again able to spend time with Olivia recently while their children played, and both Shari and Chelsea were able to share the gospel with Olivia. Although Olivia does not seem ready to believe, she is interested and had some good questions. Please pray for Olivia, and ask that the Lord will soften her heart and draw her to salvation.
  • Handball is a high-impact sport where two teams of seven players each compete on a court 40m x 20m. Players score goals by moving the ball down the field and throwing it forcefully into the goal. Players can toss, catch, dribble, or launch the ball using their hands, arms, heads and even knees. But at no time can the ball come in contact below the knee. This sport is popular in Europe where it originated. France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Hungary, Netherlands, Slovenia, and Germany will compete in handball during the 2024 Paris Olympics. Please pray for gospel access for these […]
  • While the Olympics are underway in Paris, France, the Media Team in Johannesburg, South Africa, is hard at work in Africa, engaging viewers digitally. Please pray that each viewer who follows the ad will be matched with a responder who speaks his or her own language. Pray also for effective follow-up and improved strategy for engaging people during the next Olympics, "making the best use of the time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:16 ESV). This is an opportunity both for African unbelievers watching the Olympics to hear the gospel and for African Christians to "go" to the nations […]
  • (sor-AH-nee) – While praying over several matters, a believer felt led to start interceding for Nelly, a young woman she had met through a friend a month ago but didn't get to talk to much. She prayed for her, and just a few hours later, Nelly sent her a text message for the first time and asked if she wanted to hang out with her that evening–also for the first time! That evening when they hung out, the believer asked Nelly if she knew what she believed. Nelly replied, "No, but I've actually been wanting to someone to tell me […]
  • Omnia is the most hospitable, grandmotherly woman you will ever meet. She welcomes anyone off the street into her home and serves them fresh coffee, popcorn, or juice, allowing them to stay and visit in the shade of her yard as long as they like–sometimes all day. She has heard the gospel and stories of Jesus many times from several different believers and gladly receives prayer for her physical ailments. Omnia will travel, accompanied by her daughter, to a big city next month for a major surgery. Please pray for her physical healing and ask that all the truth seeds […]