Dear FBC Family,
The countdown has begun! Only 3 days until THE GREAT REUNION at FBC Corsicana! We are all so excited! I pray you sense God’s desire and readiness to move among our ministry. It is most certainly time for us to be back together as a church family! Let’s start over as God’s people…
1) Details for THE GREAT REUNION! (It all begins on Sunday, Sept. 13)
- Preaching – 6-week preaching series including all 6 ministers on staff focused on the “Heart of Unity.”
- Bible Studies – We are re-launching all of our small groups, Sunday School classes and Bible studies. (Groups might meet at varied times during the week). We will engage in a weekly, unified Bible Study from our youngest to our oldest.
- Serving Our Community – We are giving a gift of encouragement to every single CISD employee! In addition, we are hosting 3 events (Sept 14, 21, and 28) to encourage & pray over our police officers, firefighters, & sheriff’s deputies. Finally, we are giving a flower & card to every nursing home resident in Corsicana. There will be sign-up forms in the Welcome Center to give you a chance to be a part.
- Prayer March – On Saturday, Sept. 26, we will join together for a Prayer March from our front parking lot to the Navarro County Courthouse and back. Meet in front of the church ready to begin at 11 am.
- Church-wide – This is a unified, church-wide effort. The emphasis will occur in both English & Spanish. We are asking every single church member to participate. We are asking you to be in one small group/one time each week. The complete reunion/restart truly cannot happen without YOU!
2) Please also note that due to the re-launching of Sunday School, we will have a NEW SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Early worship will take place at 8:30 am. Sunday School will begin at 9:45 am. Late worship time will move to 11 am.
3) Due to our expectation of strong attendance, I want to ask you to please CONSIDER COMING TO THE EARLY SERVICE (8:30 am). We have a capacity of about 200-220 people in each of our worship services with the social distancing guidelines. Would you please consider coming early or sitting in the balcony to create space for others? I also want to inform you we will have an OVERFLOW WORSHIP SPACE prepared in the Fellowship Hall at 11 am for those who can’t fit into the sanctuary. We don’t want anyone to be turned away!
4) And even more good news! Our 3rd-floor COFFEE BAR WILL BE OPEN on Sunday morning before Sunday School! Get your coffee or smoothie before Bible Study.
5) We NEED YOUR HELP! Our nursery needs helpers in these days. Would you please consider being a part of this beautiful ministry? Contact the Church Office.
6) Last, let’s give a big hand to all those volunteers who have kept the GOOD NEWS CAFÉ operating for these many weeks/months! They are to be commended! Join me in saying, “Job well done!!”
Proud to be your pastor,