Dear FBC Family,
Week #1 of THE GREAT REUNION at FBC Corsicana was a HUGE success! There was so much joy in the air and smiles on so many faces! Bible study classes were well-attended, and worship was deep and powerful. We were reminded that the UNIFYING TRUTH that holds us all together is the bedrock belief that JESUS IS LORD! Now, let’s grow as we dive into week #2…
1. Details to know as we move forward:
- UNIFYING SPIRIT – Logan will be leading us (In English) as we discuss our need for transformation by the Holy Spirit, and I will move down to kick-off the UNIFYING TRUTH with our Hispanic Fellowship. Please pray for God to speak.
- Bible Studies – We were pleased to see Sunday School classes together! How we have missed these small groups. Please be watching for new classes/units to form to allow room for everyone. In addition, I need YOU to reach out and invite those who don’t have small groups to join your class. Our church-wide Sunday School focus is vital if we are to capture a true RESTART!
- Bottle Cap Alley Events
- First – Our event last Monday for Corsicana Firefighters was great! Thank you to all of our volunteers. We had around 30 firemen attend, and we encouraged and prayed over them.
- Second – We go again this coming Monday, Sept. 21 at 7:30 pm. Please be praying that our efforts would support, uplift, and give encouragement to all of our Corsicana Police Department.
- Flowers for ALL Corsicana Nursing Home Residents – Sign-ups are still on-going to secure volunteers to take flowers and cards to all our nursing homes. If you would like to be a part, sign-up in the Welcome Center on Sunday. All volunteers are asked to report to the FLC desk on Monday morning at 9 am to leave for the nursing homes.
- Prayer March – On Saturday, Sept. 26, we will join together for a Prayer March that begins in our front parking lot at 11 am. We will proceed to several downtown churches and the Navarro County Courthouse before arriving back at FBC. (Buses will transport those who need assistance.)
- Sunday Evening Prayer Focus – Beginning on Sunday night, Sept. 27, our church will begin having a time of prayer every Sunday evening from 6-7 pm. This prayer time will run through November’s election and perhaps beyond. Come pray for FBC, our town, our state, and our nation.
2. You did great in splitting evenly between our 2 worship times. Please consider staying in the same service you chose last week. We have room to grow by about 40-50 in each of these services and still maintain the social distancing guidelines. We will also once again have an OVERFLOW WORSHIP SPACE prepared in the Fellowship Hall at 11 am for those who can’t fit into the sanctuary. We don’t want anyone to be turned away!
3. Due to our expectation of strong attendance, I want to ask you to please CONSIDER COMING TO THE EARLY SERVICE (8:30 am). We have a capacity of about 200-220 people in each of our worship services with the social distancing guidelines. Would you please consider coming early or sitting in the balcony to create space for others? I also want to inform you we will have an OVERFLOW WORSHIP SPACE prepared in the Fellowship Hall at 11 am for those who can’t fit into the sanctuary. We don’t want anyone to be turned away!
4. Reminder: We NEED YOUR HELP! Would you please consider being a part of our beautiful nursery ministry? You can be a paid employee or a rotating volunteer. Contact the church office.
5. Please invite friends, unchurched co-workers, unsaved neighbors to church. GOD’S SPIRIT COMPELS US to never stop bringing them in!
Proud to be your pastor,