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Daily Prayer List: September 28, 2020

By Rebecca Clopp


Prayer Requests

Leland Williams – (Linda and Kenneth Williams son) begins another round of chemo Friday, Oct. 2. This is the week he usually feels really good but he is very sick right now. He will have proton therapy in a few days and they aren’t sure what this is going to do to him or for him.

Tancy – (Leland Williams daughter), is expecting  and having problems with the pregnancy. She sees a specialist on Friday.

Treyson – (Leland Williams oldest son) is in college and has Covid.

Teagan– (Leland Williams youngest son) is experiencing personal problems and needs lots of prayer.

Linda and Kenneth Williams – are struggling very hard and will be going to Leland’s  in a few days to see what they can do to help. They are very thankful for all of the prayers their church family has prayed and ask that we lift all of them up to the Lord.  Please pray.

Janie Morris (Caroline Wigley’s sister) – started her chemo treatment Saturday, September 26th.