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Pastor’s Update: July 15, 2020 (COVID-19)

By admin

Pastor's Update

Please read this important message from Pastor Danny.

FBC Family,

I wanted to inform you of a developing situation at the church. Steve Martinez, our Hispanic Pastor, tested positive for COVID this morning.

In the process of discovery with the Health Dept, we learned that he first felt symptoms on Sunday afternoon. As a result, he exposed certain members of our staff and possibly some church members. 

We have been in consultation with the Health Dept, and they have suggested we close the facilities for disinfecting until Monday. In addition, if you have been within six feet of Bro Steve for a 15 minute duration, they are asking you to quarantine at home for 14 days and get a COVID test at 5-6 days. The rest of us have simply been asked to just pay attention to our health. 

As a result of staff quarantines and in an abundance of caution, we will be cancelling in-person worship for the next 2 weeks. We will be offering online worship, and I ask you to join us at 10:30am on Sunday morning. All Wednesday activities will be cancelled. We will begin office hours and FLC availability on Monday.

In addition, please be in prayer for our students as this also resulted in a cancelling of Youth Camp. Please be in prayer for Bro Steve and his family, our affected staff, and our Hispanic Fellowship. We trust the Lord in all of this, and we will choose to rejoice in spite of our circumstances.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me at 903-641-8840. I am honored to be your friend and pastor.