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Pastor’s Update: May 28, 2020 (COVID-19)

Dear FBC Family,

FBC Family,

Summer is here, and I’m so overjoyed to see more and more of you coming back to worship with us at the church building! Let me update you on some upcoming things in FBC’s ministry:

1) We are now 3 weeks into re-opening SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP! I was so happy to see some we haven’t seen yet, and we had several guests and several decisions that were made online. I want you to know that “church is safe!” Our protocols and safety measures are all being carried out seamlessly. Last week in the 10:30am service, we grew to 126. Our Spanish-speaking service grew to 48. Masks are required at 8:30am but not at 10:30am.

2) If you don’t quite feel safe yet, please continue to join us ONLINE FOR WORSHIP. Worship begins at 10:30am online. Pre-service announcements begin at 10am.

3) I am happy to announce that NURSERY CARE FOR PRE-K & UNDER will resume on Sunday, June 14 at our 10:30am service only. We will have detailed nursery protocols in place to ensure your safety.  

4) In addition, we will begin two WEDNESDAY NIGHT OPTIONS beginning on June 3 at 6:00pm. I will be teaching a Bible Study in the Sanctuary. Steve Martinez will be teaching in the Chapel. (Online opportunities will be available.)

5) A hybrid (at home/at church) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is coming June 21-25. Registration is open, so don’t delay!

6) CHURCH CONFERENCE has been set for Sunday, June 14 at 6:00pm in the chapel.

7) Please continue to GIVE! I am so pleased and proud of the church’s initial response, but we must continue to be faithful. If you have somehow not given due to the stay-at-home, I encourage you to catch up. We need everyone giving to meet our needs.

8) MISSIONS OPPORTUNITIES: We are making plans for some mission activity this summer. You can find updated information on our website.

Simply Trusting Jesus Every Day,