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Pastor’s Update: April 1, 2020

By admin

Pastor's Update

Dear FBC Family,

I love you in the Lord! I miss you like crazy, and I continue to march through our membership and pray for each of you by name. God is good, and He continues to be so active in these days. As we enter into Holy Week before Easter, let me try to keep all of us connected.

Here are today’s updates:

  1. We have shifted our OFFICE HOURS to 10am-3pm each weekday. If you need anything, please call the office at (903) 872-7473.
  2. We are striving to reduce expenses in as many ways as possible in these days. We have ended our agreement with our mowing service. Thus, we NEED VOLUNTEERS TO COME MOW the church property. I know some of you are bored and looking for something to do, so if this is you…please contact us. We will put you in a schedule to come mow with your own equipment.
  3. We continue with live, online worship each SUNDAY MORNING AT 10:30AM! I hope you are connecting with us on Facebook, YouTube, or through our website.
  4. This Sunday evening on PALM SUNDAY we will have a special chance to receive the LORD’S SUPPER LIVE together from our homes. Join with the Reeves’ family from our home on Facebook or YouTube at 6:00pm.
  5. Also, for Holy Week we are producing a special TENEBRAE WORSHIP SERVICE you can do at home with your family on GOOD FRIDAY. Go to our website to download instructions. **  (The word “tenebrae” comes from the Latin meaning “darkness.” A Tenebrae Service is a Good Friday service that makes use of gradually diminishing light to symbolize the approaching darkness of Jesus’ death and of hopelessness in the world without God. Worshipers leave worship in silence to ponder the impact of Christ’s death and await the coming Resurrection.)
  6. Don’t forget to stay connected in our CHILDREN’S MINISTRY and our STUDENT MINISTRY! Ashley and Logan have so much to offer children, students and adults!
  7. LET’S GO AGAIN!! We are gearing up to produce another 1,000 “Encouragement Bags” to be passed out to people all over our community. Be watching for more details soon on the production of these bags.
  8. We are meeting needs through the GOOD NEWS CAFE! We are now serving meals on Mondays and Thursdays from 10am-Noon. Last week we grew to well over 250 served. God is using us to feed and care for hurting families! To participate, please call the church office.
  9. Giving is continuing to be slow. Please BE FAITHFUL TO GIVE TO THE CHURCH. Use one of our many online giving options (OR mail your offerings directly to the church—510 W. Collin St, Corsicana, TX 75110). 
  10. Don’t forget RightNow Media! This “Netflix for Christians” is offered to all of you, so please use it for personal Bible Study, discipleship, and growth.
  11. Finally, I continue to ask you to PRAY EACH DAY! Don’t stop praying and put your trust in God. Pray for our church; our community leaders; depressed, isolated people; our medical personnel; sick people; and our national leaders. Let us know of any prayer needs.

We are STILL the church, and God is going ahead of us, walking beside us, and staying right there with us!  So do not be afraid and do not be discouraged.

Your Pastor,