Wednesday Bible Study
Marla Woolsey will be leading our Wednesday Bible Study this spring. The study will begin on January 27 at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. We hope you will come be a part.
Who Am I?
Teach Me Your Ways
Why Am I Here?
What Is God Like?
If you want to know where it all started—creation, man, marriage, sin, civilization—there’s no better place to begin than the book of Genesis. Genesis lays the foundation for the entire Word of God, the great themes of life, and the direction of all human history.
Genesis and the four books that follow provide and intimate knowledge of God and His incomparable ways. Observing His relationship with His chosen people Israel will give you fresh insight into how, through Christ, you can live today—”by loving the Lord your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding fast to Him.”