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Set Apart for a Journey

By admin


This post is designed to help those participating in a BSFL study at First Baptist Corsicana. Each week you can review and reflect on the lesson. Aimee Kasprzyk and Jeff Fitzhugh jointly teach the class. If you are in our area, we invite you to join us on Sunday mornings at 9:45am.

This past week we concluded the fifth session in the Set Apart unit. Here’s a review of what we’ve studied over the last several weeks.

Now we look at Session 6: Set Apart for a Journey (Philippians 3:10-21). Read and review this passage several times and reflect on parts that catch your attention.

Leading up to this passage, Paul says that everything else in his life is loss when compared to knowing Jesus Christ. He wants to be found in Christ as having a righteousness that comes from faith, not from following the law.

It was important for Paul to know Jesus Christ. He saw this as his goal for life. In Philippians 3:10, Paul shared three things that he wanted to know. What were the three things?

that I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings

Philippians 3.10
  • He wanted to know Christ, not just about Christ.
  • He wanted to know God’s resurrection power.
  • He wanted to know (share) in the sufferings of Christ.

Reflect on these things. Knowing Christ should have a practical effect on your daily life. Also, if you want to live a holy life, you can’t do it in your own power. You need God’s resurrection power. If you share in Christ’s suffering it will bring you closer to Him. When we go through trying times with others, those experiences bring us closer together.