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Abigail: Woman of Wisdom

By admin


This post is designed to help those participating in a BSFL study at First Baptist Corsicana. Each week you can review and reflect on the lesson. Aimee Kasprzyk and Jeff Fitzhugh jointly teach the class. If you are in our area, we invite you to join us on Sunday mornings at 9:45am.

This week we have a short, single-session lesson. This lesson tells the story of Abigail, a woman who showed great wisdom and stepped in to a bad situation to keep things from getting worse. You can read the passage in 1 Samuel 25. Read and review this passage several times and reflect on parts that catch your attention.

What are some things that you notice about David, Nabal and Abigail? Who is seeking God’s direction and who is looking out for themselves?

Here are some principles we might pick up from the passage:

  • We want to be the kind of person that others trust to do what is right. When we show wisdom and discernment, they will come to us in times of need.
  • We should take the initiative to share godly wisdom, but pray first. How you share wisdom is as important as what you share.
  • We should be willing to praise God when someone keeps us from sin by rebuke or correction. This is not the natural response to correction.

Everyone should look not to his own interests, but rather to the interests of others.

Philippians 2:4


  • Start a list. Think of ways you might pray for others.
  • Ask God how you might share wisdom. Be ready when He presents an opportunity.
  • Wisdom and discernment are connected to character. Start one good habit to help you develop godly character.