1. Loving Father in Heaven help our hearts to listen to what YOU say. Pray for peace people everywhere! May we all trust and obey! :: John 3:35,36
2. Praying for the Truth to be spoken! Only the power of God can Heal this Nation and world. Ask for forgiveness of Sin. God is our refuge! He alone saves! :: John 3:21
3. Pray for the souls of men. Pray for Revival! :: John 3:14-16
4. Praise the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, His love endures FOREVER! :: John 4: 23,24
5. Praying for all believers to be actively sharing Jesus. :: John 4:36,37
6. Dear Heavenly Father God, help us to live knowing we have HOPE. May Your joy be in us and may our joy be made full as we live in Your light. In Jesus name we Pray. Amen :: John 11:25,26
7. Take courage! God is with us. Pray for our leaders . It’s Time to PRAY! HE alone has the power to save. Unite all believers in the Spirit of the Lord. May we go through the fire with our shield of faith. :: John 16:33