1. Pray without ceasing! Rest in the care of our loving Father God. :: Psalm 5:11-12
2. Pour your heart out to the Lord! Ask the Lord to lift your spirit in the power of Jesus name. :: Psalm 6:8-9
3. Give thanks to the Lord and praise His Holy name. Turn your eyes upon Jesus and look in His Face! :: Psalm 9:1-2
4. Pray for truth and righteousness to increase. Pray for our nation and it’s people. Pray for our President and all those who are on authority. :: Psalm 35:16-19
5. Pray for the needs of others during this time. Spend time in His word. Ask the Lord to help you go through this difficult time. :: Philippians 4:12-13
6. Pray for the salvation of people around the world. :: Matthew 1:21
7. Remember the cross! Praise His Holy name. Live as He has commanded us to live. :: Matthew 28:18-20