Dear FBC,
FBC Family!
Baby, It’s Cold Outside!
Brrrrrr! We as a church family want to meet needs anywhere and everywhere we can. It is simply a part of loving our neighbor. If you know of anyone who has lost power or heat, please care for them. Also, the FLC may be designated as a shelter by Emergency Management. If this happens, we will let you know. Finally, if you have any needs, please do not hesitate to call me directly at (903) 641-8840. We want everyone safe and protected.
We will have church on Sunday!
Currently, although very cold, Sunday morning looks to be safe. I have called several our members and they said, “Pastor, I’ll be there!” Come and join us! We will have worship at our regular times of 8:30am and 11:00am and MOST Sunday School classes will meet. Of course, we want you to connect with us through our livestream, if you can’t make it in person.
Weather Updates
For up-to-date notices about Sunday (just in case the weather changes), please feel free to check our weather updates.
Baby Bottle Boomerang
This Sunday marks the completion of our Baby Bottle campaign for the Hope Center. Please don’t forget to bring your bottles full of change, dollars, or checks. We believe in the sanctity of human life.
Wrapped up and warm in God’s Love,