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WG | 21-Jan 2024

By admin



Good morning, FBC!

Think about this with me….

A church can be busy, active, & bustling about, but it doesn’t guarantee that a particular congregation is healthy. A church can be busy, but when it comes to the heart of New Testament ministry, that church can still be striking out. It’s most likely true that many busy churches could actually post a sign on their door that reads, “This church really isn’t doing anything–but aren’t we doing it well?”

This thought is frightening to me, because I don’t want FBC Corsicana to be one of these churches. I don’t want us to confuse busy-ness or faithfulness. I want to make sure that we get down to the real purpose of God’s Church.

That’s why this morning, I want to begin a new sermon series titled, “Back to the B.A.S.I.C.S.” In this series we’re going to look at the 6 core values of the church. Join with me today is studying in Acts 2

Wanting the best for our church,

Pastor Danny


Deacon Ordination @ 5:00pm

Sanctuary Flowers

The sanctuary flowers are given in loving memory of Morgan and Jim Lowe by Chris and Jenny Higgs.


January 21

Lord’s Supper-Landing

Deacon Ordination @ 5:00pm

January 28

First Steps

Church Conference

February 4

One Service @ 11:00

Men’s Day

Deacon ministry


Darrell Shelton

Lance Cook


Seth Watson

Jim Dennison

On Call:

Thomas McNutt

Steve Adams

Deacon Ordination: Ron Capehart, Eston Herrington, Bobby Byrne, David Casco, Michael Davenport, Jackie Eliason, Bobby Ousley, Mark Stewart, and Whit Tanner, were elected to our Deacon Council at the December Church Conference.

Ron & Eston have been previously ordained. The other men will be ordained during a special service on Sunday, January 21 @ 5:00PM.

Family Night @First


Menu: Roasted Pork Loin, Mashed Potatoes with Brown Gravy, Buttered Corn, Salad, Desserts, Tea & Water.

Midweek Studies

A Bible study led by Pastor Danny|6:00PM|CHOIR ROOM

A Bible 101study led by Deadra Gage|6:00pm|Fellowship Hall

A Bible study for Women led by Marla Woolsey|6:00pm| E308

New Members & Guest

If you are a new member or recent guest of First Baptist Church and would like to know more about the church, we invite you to attend our FIRST STEPS class scheduled for Sunday, January 28, 2024. To make a reservation call the Church Office.

Grief Support Ministry

Children’s Ministry


KidsPraise wil be offered during 11:00am service. Parents should sign in kids on the landing before service. Pick-up is on the 4th floor. Parents may pick up an activity packet for their child outside the Sanctuary doors.

Cultivate 28

Shout Choir|Bible Skills|Bible Stories|Missions|Recreation

Student Ministry

Sunday School|FLC|9:45am. Come be a part of our small groups as we learn about all sorts of topics through the lens of Scripture.

D-Groups|Sundays @ 6pm. Resumes January 28th. Join us for discussion based Bible Study. Currently studying the book of Acts.

EDGE|FLC|Wednesdays @ 6:30pm. Our midweek service for students helping them to unplug from the busy week with fellowship, food, and worship.

Youth Camp|Forest Glen Camp|June 11-15, 2024. Mark your calendars and be on the lookout for when registration opens!

Men’s Ministry

Connection Group|Monday’s @ 6:00am|E112

Men’s Spring Retreat

February 2 & 3, 2024
Lakeview- Palestine, Texas

Speaker: Boyd Brigman
Use the QR Code to Register.
Cost: $50 –
Deadline is January 31,2024

Mystery Dinner|Thursday, February 25 @ 6:00pm|All you can eat!!!

Leaving FLC @ 6:00pm

Music Ministry

Worship Team meets Wednesday at 5:15pm in the Sanctuary.

Celebration Choir meets Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary.

Ministry Opportunities

Baptist Student Ministry

Because of the cold weather, we were asked to postpone serving the BSM lunch. We will now serve a lunch on Wednesday,February 28. This lunch will likely be served on campus so we will need some volunteers to help. You can also bring chips (party packs) or desserts (cookies or brownies). Bring items to the FLC by Tuesday, February 27.

Good News Club

Team members help lead a Bible club for various CISD Elementary Schools in the Fall and Spring. We need additional volunteers for the spring semester. To help, contact Michelle Purifoy 214-529-5233.

Sam Houston|January 23 thru February 27