A Word From Our Pastor
Good morning, First Baptist Family!
Thanksgiving is behind us, and if you’re not one of those “crazies” who decorated before Halloween for Christmas (You know who you are! Ha! ????), then now it’s time for us to begin our celebration of the Christmas season. We do this at FBC by recognizing the season of Advent.
So, what is Advent? Advent is the beginning of the liturgical church year. The word “advent” actually means “coming or arrival,” thus Advent proclaims the coming of Christ. We celebrate His advent on Christmas morning, and we also anticipate His second advent in final victory.
Advent is a great way to prepare our hearts for Jesus and to prepare our heart for Christmas.
How will we celebrate Advent? During worship (beginning Dec. 3) we will light the Advent candles symbolizing hope, love, peace, and joy. This is not all; however. We will also provide for you and your family a day-by-day Scripture reading guide for the Advent season. You will find this devotional guide in the Welcome Center. I pray it is a blessing to you.
I encourage you to be faithful each Sunday leading up to Christmas. I am deeply grateful of all that God is doing in our church.
Proud to be your pastor,
Pastor Danny
Church Conference
December 2
Packing Party For Troops
Christmas Parade
December 3
Advent Begins—HOPE
December 7
Christmas Gathering
December 9
Bethlehem Revisited
December 10
Christmas Caroling
December 17
Christmas Cantata
“Love Made A Way”
December 24
Candlelight Service

Children’s Ministry
NO KidsPraise this week.
Cultivate 28
Wednesday | 6:00-7:30pm
Shout Choir | Bible Skills | Bible Stories | Missions | Recreation
Student Ministry
Sunday School | FLC | 9:45am. Come be a part of our small groups as we learn about all sorts of topics through the lens of Scripture.
EDGE | FLC | Wednesday @ 6:30pm. Our Mid-week service is a time to unplug from the busy week with fellowship, food, and worship.

Music Ministry
Worship Practice/Rehearsal
Worship Team meets Wednesday at 5:15pm in the Sanctuary.
Celebration Choir meets Wednesday @ 7:00pm in the Sanctuary.
Solid Rockers will sing on Nov 30th at Country Meadows.
Women’s Ministry
Christmas Gathering | Thursday, December 7 @ 6:00pm | FLC
Ticket are now on sale for hostesses and for individuals in the Welcome Center. If you want to be a hostess, contact Dawn Coley or Pattie Lucas.
Childcare will be available for ages birth to 10 years old. Contact the Church Office to make reservations. The deadline for childcare is Tuesday, November 28. You must provide food for your child.
Family Night @ First
Wednesday @ 5pm in the FLC
Call the Church Office (903)872-7473
by Tuesday to make a reservation.
Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Salad, Potato Chips, Navy Beans,
Desserts, Tea & Water.
Deacon Ministry
Darrell Shelton
James Hooser
Tom Lucas
Scott Royal
On Call:
Thomas McNutt
Chris Higgs