From the Pastor
Good morning, FBC Corsicana!!
Have you grown in your faith after you got saved? Or are you still at the same spiritual age you were 10, 20, or 30 years ago? These are really important questions. Today, we continue in the sermon series titled “Beyond Conversion”.
This series affirms the truth that…
“There is so much more to being a Christian than just walking down the aisle, getting baptized, joining a church, sitting in a pew or saying that you believe in Jesus.”
Conversion is only the front end of the Christian life. Beyond our conversion there has to be growth, so the sermon today is going to continue to offer practical information on how to grow in your faith. Specifically today, we are going to discuss how much you need to study the Bible. If you’re going to grow beyond your conversion, you have to learn to study God’s Word on your own.
I pray this sermon is helpful for all of us as we seek to grow!
Today we begin receiving our Texas Baptist Missions Offering. Please give an additional $20 and label it “Mary Hill Davis Offering.”
Thank you!!
Dr. Reeves
NO Evening Worship @ 6pm
Sanctuary Flowers
The sanctuary flowers are given by Blanche and Steve PipKin in loving memory of their Parents William J McKie III and Maydell McKie and Sue Pipkin and Jim Pipkin.
Music Ministry
Worship Practice/Rehearsal
Worship Team meets Wednesday at 5:15pm in the Sanctuary.
Celebration Choir meets Wednesday @ 7:00pm in the Sanctuary.
Solid Rockers will sing at nursing homes on September 7 & 21.
Midweek Bible Studies

The Gospel of John reminds us to believe in Jesus and find life in his name. Despite what our culture may argue, there is only one hope that is truly trustworthy and that is our savior, Jesus Christ.
Led by Pastor Danny | Wednesdays @ 6:00pm | Choir Room

A Bible study for women led by Marla Woolsey | Wednesday @ 6:00pm | E308

A Bible 101 study led by Deadra Gage | Wednesday @ 6:00pm | Fellowship Hall
Family Meal
Wednesdays @ 5pm in the Family Life Center.
Cost is $3 per person. Call the Church Office (903) 872-7473 by Tuesday to make a reservation.
Sloppy Joes, Potato Chips, Pinto Beans, Salad, Desserts; Coffee, Tea or Water.
Children’s Ministry News
We offer children’s worship during the 11:00am service. Parents should sign in kids on the landing before service or when dismissed. Children can be picked up on the 4th floor.
Our Kids Day Out program starts this Tuesday. Be in prayer for the kids and teachers who are a part of this special ministry.
Student Ministry News
Sunday School | FLC | 9:45am
EDGE | FLC | Wednesday @ 6:30pm
D-Groups will return on September 10 @ the Higg’s home.
The Study of ACTS. An explosion of Faith!
Branson Trip
Adventurers Group is planning a trip for October 11-14
to Branson, MO. We have 10 spots available. Deadline for deposits is Tuesday, September 5, 2023.
Call Belinda Adams
Hispanic Service
Morning worship in the Chapel at 11:00am.
55+ Ministry
Fall Game Night |October 5 @ 6 pm in Fellowship Hall
State Fair of Texas | October 19 | $2 secures your seat on the bus.
Christmas Trolley Trip | December 14
Mens Ministry
Men’s Retreat | October 20-21. Contact Phillip Keltner
Connection Groups | Monday @ 6:00am. Resumes on September 11.
Deacon Ministry
- Gary Wigley
- David Taylor
On Call:
- Mike Richardson
- Loran Seely
- Mike Gage
- Jason Payne
Opportunities to Serve
Good News Club
Team members help lead a Bible club for various CISD Elementary Schools in the Fall and Spring. To help, contact Michelle Purifoy @ 214-529-5233.
Fall Schedule:
Fannin | September 5th thru October 3rd
Bowie | October 17th thru November 14th

Our Church Goal $8,000 | Week of Prayer September 10-17,2023

ESL Classes
ESL teachers and substitutes needed. Spanish not required.
Contact Mary Heard @ 361-894-3084.
Operation Christmas Child Workshop
We will host an Operation Christmas Child Project Leader Shoe box training with Jody Brownwell & Nanette Bray in Family Life Center.
Meet at 10-11:30am on September 9 in the Family Life Center.
National Collection Week is November 13-20.
Mission Arlington
We will be partnering with Mission Arlington, an organization that takes church to people, on Saturday, October 7. There will be several ministry opportunities including: picking up donations, making deliveries, working in a food pantry or clothes closet, passing out Bible study fliers, or helping with Backyard Bible Clubs. To participate, contact Michelle Purifoy.