A Word from Our Pastor
Good morning, FBC!!
A BIG welcome to the Navarro College Choir and our dear friend from the Navarro Baptist Student Ministry (BSM), Jeff Turner! Pray for Jeff as he ministers to students on the Navarro Campus.
Well, today I hope you are hungry for a sandwich! The reason I say that is because this morning we have the privilege to continue in our sermon series on the Gospel of Mark. We’ve titled the series, “The reMARKable Life of Jesus.” We learned in this series that Mark was written to a Roman audience, and Romans loved action, especially miracles. Thus Mark contains more miracles per chapter than any other biblical book. In addition, the most common word in Mark is the little word “euthus.” It means “quickly” or “immediately.” It appears 40 times in 16 chapters. The action never stops. It’s as if a Hollywood producer said, “Lights, camera, ACTION!”
WELL…The action today brings us to a SANDWICH! The title of this morning’s message is “2 Stories – 1 Sandwich”
Let’s eat,
Dr. Danny
Student Ministry
Sunday School (Sunday | 9:45-10:30am)
Join us at the ????? home for Bible Study and fellowship.
EDGE (Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm)
Join us in the FLC for our mid-week service as we are deployed in our God’s Army series.
Light the Night (Oct. 30th|6-7:30pm)
FBCSM is responsible for 3 parking spots this year! Contact Tim if your student would like to offer their trunk or truck bed for one of these spots.
Children’s Ministry
Kids Praise | Sundays @ 11 am
Children’s worship during the 11 am service. Parents should sign in kids on the landing before service or when dismissed. Children can be picked up on the 4th floor.
Cultivate 28 | Wednesdays @ 6 pm
Cultivate28: 6:00-7:30
Shout Choir//Bible Skills & Story// Missions// Recreation
Cultivate is discipleship for kids featuring choir, Bible instruction, missions, and recreation. We have new drop off and pick up procedures this year. You may sign in your kids in the Welcome Center each Wednesday and the Cultivate 28 team will walk them up. For pick up, parents can drive through the circle drive and hand your guardian tag to the team and we will bring your child to you!
Light the Night
Mark your calendars for Light the Night on October 30. The event will be from 6-7:30 pm. Sign-up for a spot at the table on the Sanctuary landing.
We need donations of candy & 2 liter sodas.
55+ Ministry
Shopping trip to Waco in October. Date TBD
55+Game Night, November 3rd
Music Ministry
Will join FBCC Choir on October 9th during both services.
Beloved Ladies Ministry

Operation Christmas Child. (OCC) October 13 in Fellowship Hall @ 6 pm. We will have a potluck supper & Packing Party. Brother Loyd will share his personal testimony on the impact it had when he received his first shoe box. We will collect and pack boxes. List of items needed is in the office. Contact Victoria Bailey or Nanette Bray.
Body Recall
Each week (M-W-F) we offer a class that emphasizes strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The class meets in the FLC at 9 am and is led by Jimmie Buchanan.
Ice Cream Fellowship | FH-6pm
Sanctuary Flowers
The sanctuary flowers are given in honor of Dana, Nathan and Gracie Griffin’s birthdays by Robbie Griffin.
October 13
Ladies Ministries OCC Pkg Party
October 16
Church Conference
October 17-21
CISD Fall Break, No Activities
October 30
Mark your calendars for Light the Night on October 30 at 6-7:30 pm.
Sign-up for a spot at the table on the landing of the Sanctuary.
We will need candy & 2 liter soda donations.
Wednesday Meal
Family Meal $3 per person
Wednesdays @ 5 pm in the FLC. Make a reservation by Tuesday. Call the Church Office (903) 872-7473.
Enchilada Casserole, Spanish Rice, Spanish Style Corn & Salad.Desserts, Tea & Water
Discipleship Opportunities
The Ten Commandments |
Led by Bro. Danny l Choir Room
The Book of Mark |
Led by Deadra Gage | Room E112
Spiritual Gifts Survey
Led by Marla Woolsey | E102
Lord Supper Schedule
Oct 12 – Wed night (6pm)
Oct 23 – On the landing
Nov 20 – AM services
Dec 24 – Christmas Candlelight
Deacon Ministry
Chuck McClanahan
Chris Higgs
Jason Payne
Jerry Ashcraft
Dan Brown
Loran Seely
Ministry Opportunities
ESL (English Second Language)
Classes will begin on Wednesday, August 17 from 6-7:30 pm.
We have several volunteer needs:
1) Bilingual Helpers (6-7:30 pm) *
2) Full, Part-Time or Substitute Teachers (6-7:30 pm) †
3) Registration Clerks & Guides (5:45-6:30 pm)
* If you are in the choir, you can help till 7:00 pm.
† Bilingual not required
Supply Needs: Old CD players. If you have one, let Mary Heard know.
Good News Club
Team members lead Bible clubs for CISD elementary schools. To help contact the Church Office or Michelle Purifoy @ 214-529-5233
Guest Services
We are looking for smiling faces to welcome families, students, and children to our facility. You can assist families with check-in, collect information from guests, and help guide visitors to the appropriate class or group.
Good News Café
On Mondays, team members prepare and serve a free hot meal to people in our community, ministering and praying for those who attend. Meals are served from 11:00am to 12:30pm.
Good News Closet
On Mondays, team members prepare and serve a free hot meal to people in our community, ministering and praying for those who attend. Meals are served from 11-12:30pm. We also distribute donated clothes. We are in need of jeans, shirts, and jackets.
Habitat for Humanity
Every Saturday morning you can help a family build a place to call home. Work is from 8am till 12 noon at 1108 E 4th Avenue. For more information, see Rick Jarrell.
Worship Media Team
Team members help coordinate tech support for worship services. We are currently seeking a member to help run lights.