Good morning, Church Family!
It is only 1 week until our church’s 175th Anniversary Celebration!! It’s going to be an amazing day. There will be no Sunday School, but the building will be open at 8:30am for coffee, donuts, fellowship, and perusing our Historical Treasures Hallway! Then at 10am worship begins! Get ready to celebrate and rejoice in God’s faithfulness to us. Finally, our church-wide luncheon is at Noon. Please call and reserve your ticket today!! As your pastor, I WANT YOU HERE!
Now, for today’s sermon-It’s a BIG day, because this morning we are going to bring to a conclusion our Fall Sermon Series with a sermon titled, “Beyond Conversion…There is Enduring.”
Did you know it’s possible to receive Christ as Savior, experience the thrill and joy of salvation, and then relapse back into an old way of life? The purpose of this sermon is to help you avoid this very thing. I am praying for those who need to be encouraged by it.
Love in Christ,
Pastor Danny

Worship & Packing Party
Sanctuary Flowers
The sanctuary flowers are given in sympathy, to those who have lost loved ones recently, by Cheryl and Jack Griffin.
November 12
175th FBC Anniversary

November 19
Community-Wide Thanksgiving Cowboy Church? | 6pm
November 26
Church Conference
Deacon Ministry
Doug Woolsey
Phillip Keltner
Jason Payne
Scott Royal
On Call:
Loran Seely
John Arnold
Family Night @ First
Wednesdays @ 5pm in the Family Life Center.
Call the Church Office (903) 872-7473 by Tuesday to make a reservation.
Scalloped Potatoes with Beef, English Peas & Carrots, Salad, Desserts,
Tea & Water.
Midweek Bible Studies

A Bible 101 study led by Deadra Gage | 6:00pm | Fellowship Hall

A Bible study for Women led by Marla Woolsey | 6:00pm | E308

Led by Pastor Danny | 6:00pm | Choir Room
55+ Ministry
We are planning to take a Christmas Trolley Trip thru Highland Park on December 14th. Contact Nanette Bray for more information
Music Ministry
Sunday School | FLC | 9:45am. Come be a part of our small groups as we learn about all sorts of topics through the lens of Scripture.
EDGE | FLC | Wednesday @ 6:30pm. Our Mid-week service is a time to unplug from the busy week with fellowship, food, and worship.
NO D-groups | Operation Christmas Child packing party tonight in Fellowship Hall immediately following evening service.
Children’s Ministry
KidsPraise will be offered during the 11am service. Parents should sign in kids on the landing before service or when dismissed. Pick-up is on the 4th floor. Also, parents may pick up an activity packet for their child outside the Sanctuary doors.
Cultivate 28
Wednesday | 6:00-7:30pm
Shout Choir | Bible Skills | Bible Stories | Missions | Recreation
Student Ministry
Sunday School | FLC | 9:45am. Come be a part of our small groups as we learn about all sorts of topics through the lens of Scripture.
EDGE | FLC | Wednesday @ 6:30pm. Our Mid-week service is a time to unplug from the busy week with fellowship, food, and worship.
NO D-groups | Operation Christmas Child packing party tonight in Fellowship Hall immediately following evening service.
women’s ministry
Christmas Gathering | Thursday, December 7 @ 6:00pm | FLC
Ticket are now on sale for hostesses and for individuals in the Welcome Center. If you want to be a hostess, contact Dawn Coley or Pattie Lucas.
Childcare will be available for ages birth to 10 years old. Anyone needing childcare must contact the church office to make reservations to ensure proper staffing. The deadline for childcare is Tuesday, November 28th. You must provide food for your child.
Men’s Ministry
Connection Group | Mondays @ 6:00am | E112 (FH)Christmas decorating.
Ministry Opportunities
Operation Christmas Child
Packing party in the FH following the evening service tonight.

Corsicana Troop Support Angels
We will host the Corsicana Troop Support Angels on Saturday, December 2 @ 9:00am in Fellowship Hall. If you have family or friends who are being deployed, please get their name, military address including APO and AE or AP and length of deployment if available. Contact Cyndi Parrish @ 503-887-7902 for more information.
Christmas Parade
The Christmas Parade is scheduled for December 2. If you would like to help us prepare a float, contact Brother Danny.
Media/Tech Ministry
Team members help coordinate tech support for worship services.
We are currently seeking a member to help operate the lights.
GriefShare Ministry
There will be a training session today from 12:30-3:00 pm at the home of Ed and Terri Miller (1215 Lexington Square).Lunch & training material will be provided. Please contact Ed by texting (936-590-8774) or emailing @ millerfamilycounseling@gmail.com for more information.