Sunday Message
Welcome to worship! I am so glad you are here. Today we will discuss the amazing Old Testament account of Moses and Pharoah. However, I want to share something else with you that I read:
“As church attendance numbers fade across the nation and online services become very convenient, it’s important to remember why church attendance for you and your family matters so much. You can’t serve from your sofa. You can’t have community of faith on your sofa. You can’t experience the power of a room full of believers worshipping together on your sofa. Christians aren’t consumers. We are contributors. We don’t watch. We engage. We give. We sacrifice. We encourage. We pray by laying hands on the hurting. We do life together. The church needs you. And you need the church.”
Proud to be your pastor,
Bro. Danny
Reception for Marjorie Bentz
Reception for Marjorie Bentz. In appreciation of her many years working with our children. In Fellowship Hall @ 6 pm. Light refreshments. No childcare.
Remember that FBC has been given a church-wide assignment that lasts for the next 2 weeks. This assignment can be picked up on the landing outside the sanctuary. Please be faithful to participate EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Personal Prayer: Focus on Colossians 3:12-13.
Also, mark your calendars for March 23 when we begin Phase 2.
Letter from J & Lucy Waterman
Words cannot explain the love and care we felt last Sunday night. We were overwhelmed with your presence, hugs, and tears. This Sunday we will be worshipping 80 miles away, but our hearts will be in Corsicana. After 52 years you are our family and we have so many wonderful memories of those years. My verse: “I am the Lord your God who will hold your right hand and say to you, do not fear, I will help you.” (Isaiah 41:13) will be a guide to anyone who needs God’s presence. We do not know what tomorrow holds, but we know who holds our hand. We will be living at the Conservatory at Keller Town Square.
With so much love and appreciation,
J & Lucy Waterman
Children’s Ministry News
We want to welcome and celebrate the kids and families from the Good News Club that are in attendance today. Thank you for being here and congratulations to the kids who went through this great program!
Weekly Activities
Sunday—Sunday School—9:45 am
Wednesday—SHOUT Choir/Cultivate28—6 pm
Summer Activities
FROG Camp (K-2nd) June 13-16 | Preteen Camp (3rd-6th) June 27-30 | VBS/VBX (K-6th) July 17-21 |
Student Ministry News
ATTN: Youth Parent Luncheon Today in the FLC following the Late Service.
As Basic Training for God’s Army ends, we will be discussing the reliability of our source for truth: The Bible. Come out and bring a friend along! Talk to Tim about the Student Ministry’s plans for Spring Break.
Beloved Ladies Ministry
Our monthly meeting will be March 10 at 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall. We will have a game night. The ladies will be playing Bingo. Please bring snacks to share. Invite a friend and let’s have fun, fellowship & prayer.
Bloom Ladies Spring Tea tickets will be on sale through March 20, 2022. We need several men to help serve the meal on April 7th. Contact Chuck McClanahan at 903-654-4197 to help with this event.
Bus Ministry
There are two ways to help our bus ministry. First, you can drive a bus route. Second, you can pick someone up on your way to church. Don’t let the lack of transportation keep someone from experiencing the blessing of Christian fellowship. To help, contact the Church Office or Stan Osborne.
BSM Lunch
We will be serving lunch for the Navarro BSM on Wednesday, March 23. Help by bringing the following items to the Family Life Center this week: small chip bags (variety packs) and cookies (homemade or store-bought).
To help with this event, contact the Church Office or Jeff Fitzhugh.
Clothes Closet Ministry
Our Clothes Closet is requesting FBC members bring these items (and these items only) over the next two weeks: adult and children’s shoes, jeans of all sizes, backpacks, and children’s clothes. Thank you to our Clothes Closet Team!
Habitat for Humanity
Every Saturday morning you can help families build a place to call home. Work is from 8 am till 12 noon. For more information, see Rick Jarrell.
Holy Land Trip
Please be in prayer for our group from FBC who are departing to the Holy Land Friday! They will be walking where Jesus walked (March 11-23).
Sunday Night
Special Church Conference
Reception for Marjorie Bentz
Sanctuary Flower
The sanctuary flowers are given in loving memory of our parents Bob and Patsy Coy and Jack and Freda Mayfield by Bob and Jaci Coy, Caleb and Rachel Coy and Cari and Campbell Burns.
Deacon Ministry
Gary Wigley, David Taylor
On Call:
Mike Richardson, Loran Seely
Mike Gage, Josh Wallen
March 10
Beloved Ladies Monthly Meeting
March 23
BSM Luncheon
April 7
Ladies Spring Tea
April 10
Palm Sunday & Lords Supper at 6 pm
April 13
Passion Week Wednesday, Services 6-7 pm
April 17
Easter Sunday Sunrise Service at 7 am @ Lake Halbert-Breakfast. 9:30 am & 11 am service in sanctuary. No Sunday School.
May 1
Mission Fest
Midweek Info
Family Meal
Chicken Pot Pie, Cole Slaw,
English Peas & Desserts
Coffee, Tea, or Water
Call the Church Office with reservations by Tuesday.
Bible Studies
Survey of The Old Testament
Book of Numbers
with Marla Woolsey
Wed @ 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall
YHWH, The Lord
with Deadra Gage
Wed @ 6 pm in Rm A102
Lesson 2 Days 6-10
Pickle Ball
Pickle ball will soon be coming to a Family Life Center near you. If you want to participate in this weekly activity, register with Rebecca Clopp in the Family Life Center.
Body Recall
Each week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we offer a class that emphasizes strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The class is led by Jimmie Buchanan, our local Body Recall expert.