A Word from Our Pastor
Good morning, FBC!!
This morning as we gather, I want you to simply dwell on these words…
“A look of love was on His face;
The thorns upon His head.
The blood was on that scarlet robe;
Stained it crimson red.
Though His eyes were on the crowd that day,
He looked ahead in time.
And when He was on the cross,
You and I were on His mind.”
PS…Welcome home to our High School missionaries and sponsors who went and served in Jesus’ name during their Spring Break! We are all very proud of you!
Let’s worship our Lord,
Bro. Danny
Wednesday Night Bible Studies
Led by Deadra Gage| Wednesday @ 6pm | E112 This week: Mark 15 & 16
The resurrection is the most important moment in history, but it is more than an event we remember just on Easter! Join Pastor Danny on Wednesdays in the Choir Room at 6pm as he takes a deeper look at Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection in the Gospel of Matthew.
Student Ministry
Sunday School // 9:45-10:30am | Family Life Center
Edge // Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm | Family Life Center
D-Groups: Sundays | 6:00-7:00pm
Children’s Ministry
Kidspraise will be offered during 11am service. Parents should sign in kids on the landing before service or when dismissed. Pick-up is on the 4th floor. Also, parents may pick up an activity packet for their child outside the Sanctuary doors.
Cultivate 28
Every Wednesday—6:00-7:30pm.
Shout Choir // Bible Skills // Bible Stories // Missions // Recreation
Kid’s Preteen Camp at Mt. Lebanon
Registration is now open. Go to fbccana.org or use the QR code.
Sunday School Teacher
We have an opening for some Sunday School helpers in our Children’s area. If you are interest, contact Cathy Byrne.
Music Ministry
Singing Men of Texas performing March 23rd
Solid Rockers (Senior Adult Choir) March 30, Heritage Oaks Village.
Celebration Choir meets Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary.
Worship Team meets Wednesday at 5:15pm in the Sanctuary.
Body Recall
Each week (M-W-F) we offer a class that emphasizes strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The class meets in the FLC at 9 am and is led by
Jimmie Buchanan.
Beloved Ladies Ministry
Next meeting will be April 13th at 6pm, Fellowship Hall.
Church Conference
Sanctuary flowers
The sanctuary flowers are given by Robbie Griffin in honor of her children, grandchildren, and great grandchild.
Family Night First
Wednesdays @ 5pm in the Family Life Center.
Hashbrown Potato Casserole,
Pinto Beans, Salad & Desserts,
Coffee, Tea & Water.
Call the Church Office (903) 872-7473 by Tuesday to make a reservation.
Deacon Ministry
Terry Williams
David Taylor
Joe Allen
Seth Adams
Steve Adams
Loran Seely
Take the next step to grow into a disciple of Christ. In this class, we will teach you habits to help you develop into the image that God intended when He created you. Register in the Welcome Center.
Men’s Ministry
Men’s Group
Our discipleship groups for men will begin next week.
Monday, Mar 27 @ 6:00am OR Wednesday, Mar 29 @ 11:30am.
If you are interested, contact Phillip Keltner or Jeff Fitzhugh.
Easter Schedule
Palm Sunday | April 2 | One Service at 11:00am | Special Music
Easter Sunday | April 9 | Sunrise Service at the I.O.O.F Park at 7:00am.
Two additional services at 9:00am & 11:00am in the Sanctuary.
No Sunday School on Easter Sunday
Easter Lilies. Help us decorate the sanctuary by purchasing a lily plant in honor or memory of a loved one or friend. Complete an envelope from the pew pocket or come by the Church Office.
Richland Chambers Lake Tour #2| March 30 | 10:00am till 3:00pm
We will have lunch at the Harbor Inn.
Bluebonnet Trip to Ennis | Thursday, April 13 | Lunch
John Wayne Museum & Stockyards | Thursday, May 18