A Word from Our Pastor
What a day to be in worship! We are so glad to have our teenagers home from Camp! Students, flood us and fill us with your enthusiasm!
In regards to this morning’s sermon, I’ve got some questions for you…Have you ever hit a pothole? Have you ever been in a sinkhole? Absolutely, right? We all have! The road to success is not all smooth. The truth is that life is filled with painful, troubling experiences, and the key to success is how you react when you find yourself at rock bottom.
This morning we are looking together at more lessons along “Joseph’s Road” as he hits some potholes and sinkholes. Be listening for God to speak to you!
Love in Christ,
Dr. Danny
Pastor Danny
Beloved Ladies Ministries
Victoria Bailey will lead a Bible Study during the summer monthly meetings (July 14 & August 11) from 6-8 pm in Fellowship Hall. The Bible Study is called, Breathe, Making Room for Sabbath, by Priscilla Shirer. Call the Church Office for information. Childcare is available (with reservation Sunday prior to meeting). Bring snacks to share with ladies.
Music Ministry
Summer Schedule for Celebration Choir
Next rehearsal will be Wednesday, July 6th.
No Celebration Choir rehearsal June 15, 22, 29 or July 13, 20, 27.
Regular rehearsal will resume August 3rd.
Solid Rockers
Solid Rocker Choir will not be singing during summer.
Student Ministry
Sonic Sundays
Join us at Sonic on Seventh Ave from 6-7 pm to fellowship and hang out! Bring a friend and Tim will buy their drink!
Dinner & Movie
Meet us at the Family Life Center (FLC) this Tuesday (June 14) @ 5:45 pm. Bring money for Whataburger, and Tim will pay for your movie ticket.
Childrens Ministry
Kids Praise
We offer children’s worship in the 11 am service. Parents should sign in kids on the landing before service or when dismissed. Children can be picked up on the 4th floor.
Preteen Camp Meeting
We will have an informational meeting for parents and kids on June 22 @ 5:15 pm on the 4th Floor.
VBS/VBX (July 17-21)
Volunteers are still needed! Sign up at the VBS table outside the sanctuary. Kids can register online or at the VBS table.
Sunday Night
Evening Service @ 6PM
Sanctuary Flower
The sanctuary flowers are given in loving memory of Don Woolf by Carlene.
Deacon Ministry
Chuck McClanahan, Chris Higgs
On Call:
Jason Payne, Jerry Ashcraft
Dan Brown, Loran Seely
June 13-16
Frog Camp
June 19
Father’s Day
June 20-23
Super Summer
June 26
Church Conference
June 27-30
Preteen Camp
Midweek Info
Family Meal
Will Resume When School Year Begins
Bible Studies
YHWH The Lord
Led by Deadra Gage
Wed @ 6 pm A102
Lesson 8: Days 6-10
Prayer Meeting/Bible Study
Led by Brother Danny
Wed @ 6pm in the Choir Room
Body Recall
Each week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we offer a class that emphasizes strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The class is led by Jimmie Buchanan, our local Body Recall expert.
Ministry Opportunities
We want you to find your place of service and ministry at FBC. Please look at the following list and inform the Church Office if you want to volunteer in these areas.
Habitat for Humanity Workday
Habitat will have a women’s workday on Saturday, June 18. They will be painting a house located at 1108 E 4th Avenue. Invite a friend. Call Sylvia Green at 903-229-7579 to register.
Vacation Bible School
We need several people to help decorate, register children, and to serve as shepherds for VBS which is scheduled for July 18-21, 1:00 pm till 5:00 pm. Visit the VBS table outside the Sanctuary.
Backpacks of Love
We will begin collecting $25 donations to fill backpacks up with school supplies for the Navarro County area. Collection will begin on Sunday, June 19.
Guest Services
We are looking for smiling faces to welcome families, students, and children to our facility. You can assist families with check-in, collect information from guests, and help guide visitors to the appropriate class or group.

We are currently in need of socks of all sizes. Also, we need people to sort through clothes donations. If you would like to help, contact Cleita Ferrell.

There are two ways to help our bus ministry. First, you can drive a bus route. Second, you can pick someone up on your way to church. Don’t let the lack of transportation keep someone from experiencing the blessing of Christian fellowship. To help, contact the Church Office or Jeff Fitzhugh.
Nursery Workers.
We need volunteers for both worship services.