A Word from Our Pastor
Good morning, FBC!
If today’s sermon was a NASCAR race, the checkered flag would be waving, because this morning’s sermon is the last lap in our on-going little series on Joseph. This brief series is called, “Joseph’s Road,” and we’ve seen Joseph take quite a ride! From speed bumps to potholes, to stop signs, to detours, we’ve seen Joseph go from being a teenager to being a grown man. Today, His trust in God is so great that’s it’s like his life is on cruise control.
Let’s learn more lessons from this BIG Old Testament figure…Joseph!
Proud to be your Pastor,
Bro. Danny
Childrens Ministry
Kids Praise
Children’s worship is available in the 11 am service. Parents should sign in kids on the landing before service or when dismissed. Children can be picked up on the 4th floor.
Happy Campers
July 6 & 27 | Wednesdays @ 6 pm | Children (completed K-6th grade)
VBS/VBX (July 17-21)
Volunteers are still needed! Sign up at the VBS table.
Register at the VBS table or with the link below.
Student Ministry
Sonic Sundays (Sonic Drive-In on 7th Ave).
We will not meet this week.
Ranger Game (July 13)
Tickets are $34 (price includes admission and All You Can Eat food and drink). We will depart from the church at 5:15 pm. The game starts at 7:05 pm. See Tim Hite to claim your ticket.
Music Ministry
Celebration Choir
Rehearsal this Wednesday, July 6th. No rehearsal July 13, 20, or 27.
Regular rehearsal will resume August 3rd.
Solid Rockers
Solid Rocker Choir will not be singing during summer.
Beloved Ladies Ministries
Victoria Bailey will lead a Bible Study during the summer monthly meetings (July 14 & August 11) from 6-8 pm in Fellowship Hall. The Bible Study is called, Breathe, Making Room for Sabbath, by Priscilla Shirer. Call the Church Office for information. Childcare is available (with reservation Sunday prior to meeting).
Budget Planning for FY 22-23
We will begin planning for the upcoming fiscal year in the next few weeks. If you would like to give input or submit a recommendation, contact Jeff Fitzhugh. Committees and Ministry Teams should submit recommendations by Sunday, July 24.
No Evening Service
Sanctuary Flowers
The sanctuary flowers are given in loving memory of David Coley and Dolores Knutson by Dawn, Samantha, Jonah and Krew Coley and Sadie and James Jordan.
The flowers on the organ side are given in celebration of Robert and Becky Thurston’s 50th anniversary.
Deacon Ministry
Gary Wigley, Chris Higgs
On Call:
Darrell Shelton, James Hooser
Scott Powers, Russell Woodall
July 4
Office & FLC closed
July 13
Texas Ranger Game | Youth
July 14
Ladies Bible Study
July 17-21
VBS | Children (K-6th)
July 18
Good News Cafe
Midweek Info
Bible Studies
YHWH The Lord
Led by Deadra Gage
Wed @ 6 pm RoomA102
Lesson 10: Days 1-5
Prayer Meeting/Bible Study
Led by Brother Danny
Wed @ 6pm in the Choir Room
These are confusing times for many Christians. Traditional biblical values are not only rejected; it seems as if they’re attacked on every front. It has all happened at warp speed, leaving many spiritually and culturally disoriented or even fearful, frustrated, and angry. How can we spiritually survive in an increasingly spiritually hostile environment?
Body Recall
Each week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we offer a class that emphasizes strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The class is led by Jimmie Buchanan, our local Body Recall expert.9 am in FLC.
Ministry Opportunities
Backpacks of love
You can help in four ways:
1) Doers—distribute backpacks on August 2 & 3.
2) Sharers—pass out flyers to promote campaign.
3) Providers—bring prayer requests of needs.
4) Givers—donate funds to purchase supplies to fill supplies for the Navarro County area thru July 10.
$25.00 will fill one backpack.
Good News Closet
Our Good News Closet will be taking a break June 20 thru July 11. We still need people to sort through clothes donations. If you would like to help, contact Cleita Ferrell.
Good News Café
Our Good News Café will be taking a break from June 20 to July 11. Grace Community will be hosting during those weeks.
Guest Services
We are looking for smiling faces to welcome families, students, and children to our facility. You can assist families with check-in, collect information from guests, and help guide visitors to the appropriate class or group.
Habitat Workday
Every Saturday morning you can help a family build a place to call home. Work is from 8am till 12 noon at 1108 E 4th Avenue. For more information, see Rick Jarrell.