Sunday Message
This Sunday Paul Cornwell will be preaching messages on peace in both morning worship services.
In addition, ALL adults will meet for Sunday School in the Sanctuary at 9:45 am.
This Wednesday plan to join us from 6-7:30 pm in the Sanctuary for a church-wide assignment and report from Crossroads Resolution Group.
Children’s Ministry News
Happy Valentine’s Day! This holiday reminds me to let others know that they matter to me. That’s what we are learning about this week in our Sunday lesson—when Jesus let the Samaritan woman know that she mattered to him. I hope we can all let someone know that they are important to us as we approach this special day. Speaking of special—the kids had an extra special, upbeat time this last week in SHOUT Choir/Cultivate, singing, having snacks, and playing games, including a scavenger hunt to identify the books of the Bible. Be sure to come out this week to have some more of the same fun! We look forward to seeing you.
Cathy Byrne
FBC Children’s Minister
Also, we have set dates for some of our Summer Activities:
FROG Camp (K-2nd grade): June 13-16
Preteen Camp (3rd-6th grade): June 27-30
VBS/VBX (K-6th grade): July 17-21
Student Ministry News
It is never a comfortable thing to be called out for something wrong that you did. And yet, for Zacchaeus, he was totally okay being called out for what he was doing, and it changed his life forever. Jesus knows everything about us, and yet still looks at us and says, “I love you and I redeem you.” Come this week to EDGE and find out more about how God redeems. Bring a friend along with you!
Tim Hite <><
FBC Student Minister
Beloved Ladies Ministry
“Bloom” Ladies Spring Tea. April 7th at 6:00 pm in Family Life Center. Doors open at 5:30 pm. Tickets are $15.00 each and are on sale in the Welcome Center or church office. Tickets will be on sale through March 6, 2022. Christian Artist Song Writer, Cindy Galliant will be singing and several testimonies to be shared. Dinner and Fellowship. You will be blessed!!! Hope you can be there
Pickle Ball
Pickle ball will soon be coming to a Family Life Center near you. If you want to participate in this weekly activity, register with Rebecca Clopp in the Family Life Center.
Body Recall
Each week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we offer a class that emphasizes strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The class is led by Jimmie Buchanan, our local Body Recall expert.
BSM Lunch
We will be serving lunch on Wednesday, March 23 at 11 am. We need people to bring items, prepare items & serve items. To help, contact the Church Office or Jeff Fitzhugh.
Bus Ministry
We are seeking drivers for our bus ministry on Sunday mornings. This is an easy job that will produce eternal rewards. To help, contact the Church Office or Stan Osborne.
Clothes Closet Ministry
Each week we distribute garments from the Family Life Center to those in need. To help, contact the Church Office or Cleita Ferrell. During the winter season, we always have a need for shoes, coats, and sweatpants.
Habitat for Humanity
Every Saturday morning you can help families build a place to call home. Work is from 8am till 12 noon. For more information, see Rick Jarrell.
No Evening Worship @ 6pm
Sanctuary Flowers
The sanctuary flowers are given in loving memory of Charles & Joanne Murphey on the occasion of what would have been their 73rd wedding anniversary by their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Deacon Ministry
Monty Trimble, Josh Wallen
On Call:
Scott Royal, Steve Adams
Terry Williams, Jim Denison
February 13
Pursuing Peace Together
Bible Study & Worship
February 15
Deacon Meeting
February 20
Church Conference
February 27
Sing & Send-off for Watermans
March 23
BSM Lunch
April 17
Easter Sunrise @ Lake Halbert
Midweek Info
Family Meal
Hash Brown Potato Casserole,
Pinto Beans & Dessert,
Coffee, Tea or Water.
Call the Church Office with reservations by Tuesday.
Change of Schedule
Our regular midweek studies will be suspended this week in lieu of a report & assignment connected with the Pursuing Peace Together Seminar. Everyone will meet in the Sanctuary
We have a vacancy on the Committee on Committees. Turn nominations into the Church Office.
Baby Bottle Boomerang
Today is the due date for baby bottles. Thank you to all who participated.