A Word From Our Pastor
Good morning, Church Family!
I believe that Christmas is a great time to talk about angels, so last Sunday we began a series of teaching called, Angels All Around Us.
This series has created a lot of excitement, and I love that. Here is what we learned last week:
LAST SUNDAY…We tried to separate fantasy from the facts:
FANTASY #1: Angels are human beings who have died
The biblical fact: Angels aren’t human being…They’re spiritual beings created by God.
FANTASY #2: Angels Appear as Chubby Babies with Wings
The biblical fact: Angels most often appear as ordinary people.
FANTASY #3: Angels Are Sweet Creatures Who Sing & Play Harps
The biblical fact: Angels are most often warriors who hold swords.
FANTASY #4: All Angels Are Good and Obey God
The Biblical fact is that some angels are evil and oppose God.
FANTASY #5: Angels Must Be Seen to Be Real
The Bible says they are usually invisible, and it’s only at times we’re enabled to see them.
This morning, I want to share with you the purpose for which God uses His angels – in other words, their ministry. The reason this is important is because you can believe in something, but if you don’t know its purpose, then you’re no better off.
Let’s learn some more,
Pastor Danny
Christmas Caroling

God showed us how He truly loves us by sending His Son to earth.
God, thank You for showing us love by sending Your Son. Please help us to remember Your love for us no matter what is happening in our lives. Show us ways we can share Your love in our lives this season.
Sanctuary Flowers
The sanctuary flowers are given by Dorothy and Clayton Smith in celebration of their 69th wedding anniversary, Clayton’s birthday and in loving memory of their son, Tim.

December 11
Deacon Meeting
December 17
No Early Service
Sunday School @ 9:45
Christmas Cantata
December 19
Angel Tree Party
Men’s Ministry
Connection Group | Mondays @ 6:00am | E112
Men’s retreat coming in February, 2024
55+ Ministry
We are planning to take a Christmas Trolley Trip thru Highland Park on December 14. Contact Nanette Bray for more information.
Family Night @ First
Wednesday @ 5pm in the Family Life Center
Scalloped Potatoes with Sausage, English Peas & Carrots
Salad & Desserts, Tea & Water.

Terry Williams
Jerry Ashcraft
James Price
Jerry Eddins
On Call:
Lance Cook
Seth Watson
Children’s Ministry
KidsPraise will be offered during the 11am service. Parents should sign in kids on the landing before service or when dismissed. Pick-up is on the 4th floor. Also, parents may pick up an activity packet for their child outside the Sanctuary doors.
Cultivate 28
Wednesday | 6:00-7:30pm | Semester Ends December 20
Shout Choir | Bible Skills | Bible Stories | Missions | Recreation
Bethlehem Revisited
Your family is invited to join us on a trip to Bethlehem Revisited in Waxahachie on Saturday, December 9. Sign up on the landing by Wednesday to reserve a spot on the bus. There is no charge but donations will be accepted at the event for those who desire to give.
Student Ministry
Sunday School | FLC | 9:45am. Come be a part of our small groups as we learn about all sorts of topics through the lens of Scripture.
Edge | Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm | Family Life Center

Music Ministry
Christmas Cantata. Love Made a Way. We look forward to presenting our Christmas Cantata on Sunday, December 17 at 11:00am. Please invite friends, family and neighbors to this choral celebration of Jesus Christ.
Worship Practice/Rehearsal
Worship Team meets Wednesday at 5:15pm in the Sanctuary.
Celebration Choir Dress rehearsal, Wed at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary.

Christmas Caroling
December 10 | Fellowship Hall | 4:00pm
Join us for a fun family night of caroling as we spread JOY this holiday season. Christmas attire is encouraged.
Christmas Gifts for Families
Each year we receive requests for Christmas gifts from struggling families in our FBC family. If you are able and would like to help a family in need, please call the Church Office.
Christmas Coffee Express for CMS
We will be blessing the Corsicana Middle School with coffee and hot chocolate on Friday, December 15 @ 7:15am-9:35am. Help us serve our teachers and thank them for all there hard work.