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Worship Guide | August 28, 2022

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A Word from Our Pastor

Dear FBC Family,

I’m so happy to be with you this morning and especially because today we will be sharing the Lord’s Supper together.

Also, we will continue our series, The ReMARKable Life of Jesus. In today’s message, we will look at the following passage:

As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed him.

Mark 1.15-18

One of the first things Jesus asked His disciples to do was to follow him. And he did this so that He could make them fishers of men.

In the same way, Jesus wants us to follow Him. And he calls us to be fishers of men—that’s part of following Jesus. Fishing and following go together. If you’re not fishing, then you aren’t following!

Praying for you,
Pastor Danny 

Student Ministry

Sunday School | Sundays @ 9:45 am

Sunday School (Sundays | 9:45-10:30 am)

Join us in the FLC for small groups learning from Orange curriculum.

D-Groups (Sundays | 6-7 pm)

No D-Groups tonight due to Sing Me a Song Mr. Piano Man.

EDGE (Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm)

Join us in the FLC for our mid-week service as we are deployed in our God’s Army series.

Childrens Ministry

Kids Praise | Sundays @ 11 am

NO Children’s worship this week. Activity guides are available outside the Sanctuary.

Cultivate 28 | Wednesdays @ 6 pm

Cultivate 28 is a discipleship program for children that involves Bible skills, stories, missions, recreation, and choir all in one night each week.

Sign your kids in at the Welcome Center and the Cultivate 28 team will walk them to their class. For pick up, parents can drive through the circle drive and hand your guardian tag to the team, and we will bring your child to you!

55+ Ministry

We have an overnight trip planned. On Friday, September 30 we will travel to Glen Rose, Texas to see The Promise, a musical production about Christ’s life featuring live animals & 200 actors. On Saturday, October 1 we will travel to historic Hico, Texas for a day of shopping and exploration.

Contact Nanette Bray to make a reservation for this trip.

Music Ministry

Celebration Choir

Rehearsals have resumed for the fall; Wednesday at 7-8 pm in the Sanctuary.

Solid Rockers Choir

Rehearsals will resume in September.

Beloved Ladies Ministry

Our next monthly fellowship will be September 8 @ 6 pm. Donna O’Toole will lead a craft night demonstrating how to make dimensional greeting cards. Supplies will be provided. We will also have a Potluck Supper so bring your favorite food to share. Childcare is available. Please register through the Church Office.

Body Recall

Each week (M-W-F) we offer a class that emphasizes strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The class meets in the FLC at 9 am and is led by Jimmie Buchanan.

Sunday School

We will be hosting the Discipleship Collective, a Sunday School training conference which brings together volunteer and staff leaders from across Texas.

This year’s focus on excellence in teaching will provide practical disciple-making help for leaders of kids, teen, and adult groups.


Sing Me a Song Mr. Piano Man

Sanctuary Flowers

The sanctuary flowers are given in memory of David Bentz and David Zenk by their family, Marjorie, Jessica, Krissi, Becca, Karin and Helga.


August 28
Sing Me a Song Mr. Piano Man

August 31
Budget Sent Out

September 5
Labor Day
Office & FLC Closed

Wednesday Meal

Make a reservation by Tuesday.

Scalloped Potatoes with Sausage,
Cole Slaw, English Peas
Salad & Desserts

$3 per person

Midweek Bible Studies

Be Still
Led by Brother Danny
Wed @ 6 pm in the Choir Room

Redeeming Your Time
Led by Marla Woolsey
Wed @ 6 pm in A102
Begins September 7

Gospel of Mark Study
Led by Deadra Gage
Wed @ 6 pm in E112
Begins September 28

Lord Supper Schedule

Aug. 28 – AM services

Sep. 18 – PM service

Oct. 12 – Wed night (6pm)

Oct 23 – On the landing

Nov. 20 – AM services

Dec. 24 – Christmas Candlelight

Deacon Ministry

Monty Trimble
Josh Wallen

Jerry Eddins
Steve Adams

Morris Applewhite
Mike Richardson

Ministry Opportunities

ESL (English Second Language)

Classes will begin on Wednesday, August 17 from 6-7:30 pm.
We have several volunteer needs:

1) Bilingual Helpers (6-7:30 pm) *
2) Full, Part-Time or Substitute Teachers (6-7:30 pm) * †
3) Registration Clerks & Guides (5:45-6:30 pm)

* If you are in the choir, you can help till 7:00 pm.
† Bilingual not required

Supply Needs: Old CD players. If you have one, let Mary Heard know.

Good News Café

On Mondays, team members prepare and serve a free hot meal to people in our community, ministering and praying for those who attend. Meals are served from 11:00am to 12:30pm.

Good News Closet

Team members sort and distribute donated clothes during the Good News Café. We are currently accepting donations. We prefer jeans, shirts, and casual shoes.

Good News Club

Team members lead a Bible club for various CISD elementary schools. If you are interested contact the Church Office or Michelle Purifoy.

Guest Services

We are looking for smiling faces to welcome families, students, and children to our facility. You can assist families with check-in, collect information from guests, and help guide visitors to the appropriate class or group.

Good News Cares—Hope Center

In August we are collecting the items listed below to shower the Hope Center.

Diapers, Pull-ups
Baby Wipes, Toiletries
Diaper Rash Cream, Body Wash
Shampoo, Baby Lotion
Pacifiers, Teething Rings
Bottle Brushes
Car seats, Playpens, Infant Swings
Educational Toys, Books

Additional gift ideas are available in the Welcome Center.

Habitat for Humanity

Every Saturday morning you can help a family build a place to call home. Work is from 8am till 12 noon at 1108 E 4th Avenue. For more information, see Rick Jarrell.

Worship Media Team

Team members help coordinate tech support for worship services. We are currently seeking a member to help run lights.