A Word from the Pastor
Good morning, FBC Family!!
We are still shouting with joy that HE IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED!
This morning, we will celebrate yet again, because over 10 years ago, First Baptist embarked on an ambitious building renovation campaign that updated our Preschool and Office areas and brought security and accessibility improvements to our main building. The cost of the project was 3.2 million, and through God’s amazing provision and our church family’s faithful giving, we have recently paid off this debt! This morning we will take the chance to speak openly about money, stewardship, and giving. Then, tonight at 6 pm, we will celebrate the cancellation of our debt with a special note burning event during our Church Conference.
Join us for this celebration and hear some of our plans for the future!
Thankful for your faithfulness,
Pastor Danny
Mission Fest
Luncheon Honoring Widows
Annie Armstrong—Church Goal: $8,000
Sunday Night
Church Conference
Note-Burning Ceremony
Sanctuary Flower
The sanctuary flowers are given in loving memory of Richard and Betty Lou Way by Dave and David Nyquist and David, Dana, Betty Sue, Bobby and Charlie Bunch.
Deacon Ministry
Doug Woolsey, Jerry Ashcraft
On Call:
Loran Seely, John Arnold
Jason Payne, Scott Royal
May 1
Mission Fest
Good News Club—Bowie
May 5
Fifty-Five Plus Game Nite
May 8
Mother’s Day
Parent/Child Dedication
May 15
Senior Grads
May 22
Luncheon Honoring Widows
Midweek Info
Family Meal
Make reservations by Tuesday.
Call the office (903) 872-7473. Spaghetti with Meat Sauce,
French Fries, Ranch Style Beans
& Dessert
Coffee, Tea, Water
Bible Studies
YHWH The Lord
Led by Deadra Gage
Wed @ 6 pm A102
Lesson 5: Days1-5
Prayer Meeting/Bible Study
Led by Brother Danny
Wed @ 6pm in the Choir Room
Pickle Ball
Pickle ball will soon be coming to a Family Life Center near you. If you want to participate in this weekly activity, register with Rebecca Clopp in the Family Life Center.
Body Recall
Each week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we offer a class that emphasizes strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The class is led by Jimmie Buchanan, our local Body Recall expert.
Children’s Ministry
Kids Praise
Today, we offer children’s worship in the 11 am service. Parents should sign in kids on the landing before service or when dismissed. Children can be picked up on the 4th floor.
Parent/Child Dedication
We will have a parent/child dedication in the 11 am service on Mother’s Day, May 8. If you would like to take part in this special event with your child, please contact Cathy Byrne or the Church Office.
Wednesday—SHOUT/Cultivate28—6:00 pm
Sunday—Sunday School—9:45 am
Student Ministry
Student Ministry
D-Groups resume tonight. Higgs’s Home.
Senior Sunday is May 15, and we are so excited to celebrate and honor our graduated high school Seniors!
Fifty-Five + Ministry
Game Nite
We have a game night and meal planned for May 5. Pulled Pork sandwiches provided and you bring the chips, dips & desserts. Bring your favorite game
Tickets will be available for $5 on April 24 or May 1.
Cookout at Lake Halbert
We have a picnic planned for May 20 at Lake Halbert pavilion.
Contact Nanette Bray for more information.
Beloved Ladies Ministry
Secret Sister Reveal & Pot Luck Dinner. We will meet on May 12 @ 6 pm in Fellowship Hall. Let’s make the reveal special, because it finalizes a special time of anonymously sent prayers, gifts, & cards. Each participant will connect with the person they’ve been blessing, as well as the one who has been blessing them! We will have a gift exchange at reveal. Child Care is available. Call by Sunday prior to event to reserve nursery space.
Ministry Opportunities
We continue to host a Good News Club for Bowie Elementary (50+ children). We are looking for five or six volunteers to help shepherd the children. If you can help, please contact Cathy Byrne or Lillie Osborne.
National Day of Prayer
We are looking for helpers to assist in making sack lunches for all the participants who will come for the noon prayer on Thursday, May 5, for the National Day of Prayer. FBC will be assembling and preparing the sandwiches and the sack lunches.
Guest Services
We are looking for smiling faces to welcome families, students, and children to our facility. You can assist families with check-in, collect information from guests, and help guide visitors to the appropriate class or group.
We need people to sort through clothes donations. If you would like to help, contact Cleita Ferrell or Jeff Fitzhugh.
There are two ways to help our bus ministry. First, you can drive a bus route. Second, you can pick someone up on your way to church. Don’t let the lack of transportation keep someone from experiencing the blessing of Christian fellowship. To help, contact the Church Office or Stan Osborne.