A Word from Our Pastor
Good morning! Welcome to a Missions Emphasis Sunday!
Maybe today you ask…
Pastor, why did we go on mission trips?
And why do we do these mission things?
The answer is simply: We are trying to accomplish the incredible missionary task that Jesus
gave not only to us, but also to those very 1stChristians in the New Testament.
The truth is that you & I serve a missionary God. He is a God who sent His One & only Son so that
we might be saved. He came on “MISSION” for us!
Our missionary God gave to His missionary church a
missionary task that seems like mission impossible!
BUT…He is with us!
Today, let’s talk about First Baptist Church’s mission strategy!
He is Lord,
Pastor Danny
Wednesday Night Bible Studies

Led by Pastor Danny | Wednesdays @ 6:00pm | Choir Room
Do you know Jesus? It’s one thing to know facts about him, but to experience his love, wisdom, and guidance in your life is what it means to follow him.

Led by Deadra Gage | Wednesday @ 6:00pm | FH Parlor
The Word in your heart allows you to discover who you are in Christ, what He has called you to do, and how He empowers you to live the Christian life.

Take the next step to grow into a disciple of Christ. In this class, we will teach you habits to help you develop into the image that God intended when He created you. Register in the Welcome Center.
Student Ministry
Sunday School: 9:45-10:30am | Family Life Center
Edge: Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm | Family Life Center
NO D-Groups this week because of Easter. Resumes April 16.

Children’s Ministry
Kids Praise
Today, we offer children’s worship in both services. Parents should sign in kids on the landing before service or when dismissed. Children can be picked up on the 4th floor.
Parent/Child Dedication
We will have a parent/child dedication in the 11:00 am service on Mother’s Day, May 14. If you would like to take part in this special event with your child, please contact Cathy Byrne or the Church Office.
cultivate 28
Wednesday | 6:00-7:30pm
Shout Choir | Bible Skills | Bible Stories | Missions | Recreation
Kid’s Preteen Camp at Mt. Lebanon
Registration is now open. Go to fbccana.org to sign your child up.

Sunday School Teacher
We have an opening for some Sunday School helpers in our Children’s area. If you are interest, contact Cathy Byrne.
Music Ministry
Celebration Choir meets Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary.
Worship Team meets Wednesday at 5:15pm in the Sanctuary.
No Solid Rockers until May 11 (Country Meadows @ 10:00am)
Body Recall
Each week (M-W-F) we offer a class that emphasizes strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The class meets in the FLC at 9 am and is led by
Jimmie Buchanan.
Beloved Ladies
Beloved Ladies, Nest meeting May 11th.
Find a Place to Serve
Good News Closet
Team members collect, sort and distribute to those in need. They also prepare and distribute basic hygiene kits. We are in need of Men’s & Women’s jeans and children’s clothing.
Good News Cafe
On Mondays, team members prepare and serve a free hot meal to people in our community, ministering and praying for those who attend. Meals are served from 11-12:30pm
Good News Clubs
Team members lead Bible clubs for CISD elementary schools. Our club for Carroll/Navarro Elementary meets on Tuesdays. To help, contact Michelle Purifoy @ 214-529-5233.
Teaching Ministry
Team members have the ability to educate God’s people by clearly explaining and applying the Bible in a way that causes them to learn.
Greeter Ministry
Team members assist families with check-in, collect information from guests, and help guide visitors to the appropriate group.
Safety Team
Team members work to provide a safe environment for church members during worship services and other church events. This team also provides leadership during emergency situations.
Media/Tech Ministry
Team members help coordinate tech support for worship services. We are currently seeking a member to help operate the lights.
Church Conferene
Sanctuary Flowers
The sanctuary flowers are given in loving memory of Elliott and Aileen Middleton by Scott and Susan Middleton and their children; Elliott Middleton, Elaine Blacker and Andrea Ragsdale.
Family Night First
Wednesdays @ 5pm in the Family Life Center.
Midweek Meal
Make reservations by Tuesday.
Call the Office (903) 872-7473.
Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Potato Chips, Navy Beans, Salad & Dessert, Coffee & Tea, Water.
Call the Church Office (903) 872-7473 by Tuesday to make a reservation.
Deacon Ministry
Gary Wigley
Chris Higg’s
Darrell Shelton
James Hooser
Scott Power’s
Thomas McNutt

Holy Land Trip
Have you always wanted to go to the Holy Land?
Have you been before, but you want to see more?
Pastor Danny and Charissa will be leading another group to tour Israel in the Spring of 2024!
Come to find out more next Sunday (April 23) at 4pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Men’s Ministry
Men’s Connection’s Group
Monday, April 24th @ 6:00am or Wednesday, April, 26th from 11:30am-1:00pm. Coffee & Tea provided.
Men’s Dine Out Night
To be N/A
“Deconstructed” Taco Bar & Dessert May 4th @ 6pm | Fellowship Hall
John Wayne Museum & Stockyards | Thursday, May 18th | 9:45am-3:30pm lunch at Cooper’s BBQ.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.
Given to Date: $7,739
National Day of Prayer
We are looking for helpers to assist in making sack lunches for all the participants who will come for the noon prayer on Thursday, May 4, for the National Day of Prayer. FBC will be assembling and preparing the sandwiches and the sack lunches. To help, contact Jeff Fitzhugh.