Dear FBC Family,
We are one week back into a slow re-opening of the church! I am thankful we are moving in the right direction. Let me offer you the news of the week!
1) It was soooo very good to see some of our people back in WORSHIP LAST SUNDAY! Not including the ministerial staff, we had 66 in the 8:30am service and 86 in the 10:30am service. We also had 37 attend the Spanish-speaking service. Our plans for spacing and safety worked very well. We had a wonderful spirit, and we had some guests attend who had been watching via online during the shutdown! Thank you to all of our volunteers who helped allow it to all come together!
2) I want to invite all of you to attend THIS SUNDAY MORNING if you feel safe and are ready to be out. Remember our 8:30am is in English and requires a mask. At 10:30am our services in English and Spanish do not require a mask, but it is recommended. We will be CELEBRATING THE CLASS OF 2020 at both services. There will still be no Sunday School.
3) Also, if you are not ready to get out yet, I encourage you to worship remotely (at 10:30 am) with us by connecting to Facebook or YouTube. Let’s not give up the joy of meeting together in worship (even if it is online.)
4) Prayer continues to be a major emphasis for us as a church. I want to specifically ask you to pray for wisdom and discernment for our VBS Lead Team as they make crucial decisions about VBS 2020. Let’s pray that God will lead our hearts to the most effective plan!
5) There are so many OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE right now at FBC. Let me list a few: Sunday greeters, disinfecting team to clean pews between services, disinfecting stair rails, monitoring restrooms, security team, mowing the church yard, working in flower beds, trimming the hedge, checking on our church members by calling through a list, serving meals through the Good News Café, deep cleaning rooms in the church, and powerwashing the sidewalks. If you are available to serve in any of these ways, please call the church office. We can use your help.
Step by Step He Leads Us,