Dear FBC Family,
This week our governor announced that the great state of Texas will begin re-opening a step at a time! Praise be to God! I hope you are ready as I am to get back together soon. Let me give you some updates with these things in mind:
1) I am PROUD OF OUR CHURCH FAMILY! Did you know in April 2020 that our giving was stronger than normal? God was faithful and God’s people were obedient. We hosted many emergency meetings preparing for the worst, but that never happened because of your faithfulness. Many of you found new ways to give and developed new disciplines. Let’s keep it up in May! I love you and appreciate your commitment to this ministry.
2) ONLINE ONLY WORSHIP SERVICES WILL CONTINUE THIS SUNDAY AT 10:30AM! We encourage you to watch and worship with us. Join us on Facebook or YouTube.
3) Now…drum roll…the BIG announcement! We are RE-OPENING FOR SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP ON SUNDAY, MAY 10! We will have two worship services in English and one worship service in Spanish. There will be no Sunday School classes for now. We have lots of protocols, details, and information. Some things will be the same and some things will be different. Also, we will continue to live-stream our services for those who need to remain isolated at home a bit longer.
4) Next week, the USA celebrates the NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER (May 7). Has there ever been a time that requires greater prayer than now? Let’s join in prayer with these ideas.
5) We are still planning and working hard to honor and celebrate our soon-to-be graduates of the Class of 2020. Be ready for meaningful times together on SENIOR SUNDAY, MAY 17. More details coming soon!
6) Ashley has produced a PARENT SURVEY online, and we invite all parents and families with young children to weigh in. Your input matters to us!
God is Good All the Time,