Dear FBC Family,
Easter is upon us! Praise be to God in the midst of this time of unparalleled uncertainty that we can celebrate something more steady, more true, and more rock-solid than anything else in all history…THE FACT THAT JESUS CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD! He is Risen…He is Risen Indeed! As we continue through Holy Week, let me give you today’s updates:
1) Easter! We are on for DRIVE IN WORSHIP! Get out of your house and get into your car! At 11:00am (English) we will be having a LIVE worship service in the front parking lot of the church. We are joining with KAND Radio (AM 1340) to broadcast our Easter services live. You should arrive at the front parking lot beginning at 10:15am and be guided to your parking spot. Tune in your radio to AM 1340 and join with us for worship.
- Song lyrics will be available on our website.
- You will have the opportunity to GIVE as you exit the parking lot.
- If you can’t attend in person, my message will be available later in the day on Facebook or YouTube.
- Our Spanish-speaking service will broadcast from the church parking lot at 1:00pm. More information on our website.
- Make sure to use the restroom before you come (the Church will be closed).
2) Also, don’t forget that this Friday we are producing a special TENEBRAE WORSHIP SERVICE you can do at home with your family. Go to our website to download instructions.
3) We are striving to reduce expenses in as many ways as possible. If you would like to help by volunteering to MOW the church lawn, contact Jeff.
4) WAY TO GO, FBC!! We have now produced another 1,000 “Encouragement Bags” to be passed out to people all over our community. If you are available to deliver some of these bags, contact the church office.
5) We are doing good things through the GOOD NEWS CAFE! Next week, due to a change in CISD schedule, we will serve on Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00am till Noon. We served 700+ meals in the last week! Well done!
6) Join Logan & Ashley this Sunday at 4:30pm on Youtube and Facebook for a party big enough for your whole family called EASTER JAM! All you need is the internet, socks, a laundry basket, and if you happen to be out, grab some peeps (or marshmallows) and toothpicks. This will be a fun interactive party to help us celebrate Easter at home!
7) Again, I remind you to please BE FAITHFUL TO GIVE TO THE CHURCH. Use one of our many giving options.
8) Also, be sure to use RightNow Media! This “Netflix for Christians” offers discipleship videos on many topics including marriage, parenting, christian living, apologetics, etc. If you don’t already have an account, get one now (it’s free).
9) Finally, I continue to ask you to PRAY! Pray for our church; our community leaders; depressed, isolated people; our medical personnel; sick people; and our national leaders. Ask that God will give wisdom to us all.
To quote Greg and Gale Meador…”If we have faith, there is no use for fear. If we are full of fear, there is no room left for faith.”
Your Pastor,