Dear FBC Family,
1) EASTER DRIVE IN WORSHIP WAS EPIC! This past Sunday, we broadcast worship services over the internet and on the radio, but if you came in person, you know what a blessing Sunday was! What an amazing way to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus! Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make it happen! We definitely and literally shouted the GOOD NEWS from the rooftops!
2) This Sunday morning, we will go back to ON-LINE WORSHIP AT 10:30AM! Please don’t just watch this service, but share it on your own page. If you will share, exposure to the Gospel could skyrocket. Connect with us on Facebook, YouTube, or through our website.
3) HELP NEEDED THIS THURSDAY FROM 10-Noon!! Our new “Encouragement Bags” are ready! We need 10-12 volunteers to deliver these bags to all of our CISD campuses and to our Special Needs group homes. Call the Church Office. Don’t miss this chance to be a blessing!
4) I want to ask and encourage all of our Sunday School/Bible Study teachers to consider leading ZOOM BIBLE STUDIES with your class. Jeff is ready to assist you to learn how easy this can be.
5) Another way FBC is meeting needs is by SEWING MASKS for Medical Personnel and anyone who might need one. Please call the Church Office if you would like to use your sewing skills for good!
6) Please continue to pray for the GOOD NEWS CAFE! We continue to help more and more people. This Tuesday we served 371 meals! People might not always remember a sermon, but they will remember how God’s people loved them in a time of crisis.
7) LOGAN & BLAIR are now leading Zoom Bible Studies for Guys on Tuesday evenings and Girls on Thursday evenings. Contact Logan at (903) 229-8292.
8) We will not be able to operate as normal at this time, thus our scheduled CHURCH CONFERENCE will be cancelled. Essential committees continue to meet to provide leadership in key areas.
9) Thanks for your continued giving to God’s work through FBC. I ask that all of us BE FAITHFUL TO GIVE TO THE CHURCH. Use one of our many giving options.
10) Finally, we are working hard to keep our on-going prayer needs up-to-date. You can find our active PRAYER LIST on the church website. Let us know if you have prayer needs and let’s pray like never before!
To end, I quote a sister in Christ (she didn’t want to be named). She said this in reference to Sunday’s service…
Another great message! Who knows, this one may be spread further and wider than a regular one. We may never know what all will be accomplished through all of this…but with God in control, I remain positive and sure that the Church will be better and stronger in the end!”
Sister in Christ