Dear Member of the FBC Family,
We continue onward in these days surrounded by the news of COVID-19. Things are continuing to change and tighten. I am sure you now know that the City of Corsicana and Navarro County have issued a “shelter-in-place” mandate beginning at 12:00am on Thursday morning. Regardless, we continue to put our trust in God! And we continue to be a church that 1) is looking to meet needs and love people, and 2) is committed to having community as the people of God.
Let me offer you today’s updates:
1) Last SUNDAY MORNING, we went LIVE with our worship services! We will do the same this Sunday, and we have resolved the technical issues we had last week. I pray you connected with us last week, and I look forward to worshiping with you this coming SUNDAY MORNING AT 10:30AM! There is something odd about not being together, but there is something amazing about this as well! God is at work! Remember to connect with us on Facebook, YouTube.
2) Sunday School continues to be postponed. I ask all of you to REACH OUT TO 2-3 MEMBERS of your class to make sure every individual and family get a personal call. Let’s stay connected. Make sure everyone is cared for and loved. Also, take advantage of RightNow Media.
3) I remind you that the HUB OF INFORMATION in this time is a special page on our church website. Please go there for information. If you don’t find it there, call the church at (903) 872-7473.
4) Due to limitations with staff, we will be ADJUSTING OUR OFFICE HOURS FROM 10:00am – 3:00pm during this time.
5) LET’S DO MINISTRY! We have produced 1,000 encouragement bags to be carried to people all over our community. We have already had church members carry these bags to the Health Department workers, to local Medical Clinics, to staff at the ER, to Aldi’s grocery store, to truck drivers, to workers at Heritage Oaks Nursing Home, to Wal-Mart, to HEB, to VeraBank, etc. Volunteers have delivered bags and prayed with people. We need more bags to go out! Are you open to be used in this way? WE NEED YOU! Please call the office and coordinate with our staff.
6) GOOD NEWS CAFE is expanding. To meet the needs of hurting families we will begin serving a meal on Thursdays also. This will coincide with CISD’s lunch schedule and will go a long way to loving hurting people in Corsicana. To participate, please call the church office.
7) Logan is leading the way with our STUDENT MINISTRY. Connect with “Student Ministry ideas” during these days of quarantine.
8) Ashley has been actively connecting with families and children in our CHILDREN’S MINISTRY. Find out about all the resources available.
9) “DRIVE-IN WORSHIP” WON’T BE POSSIBLE. With additional social restriction, we will have to return to this idea at a later date.
10) This is a trying time for any ministry, so I am asking you to BE FAITHFUL TO GIVE. An ordinary Sunday sees our giving at about $25-30,000. Last week, we only received $5,000. We need you to give! Our ministry does not stop, and the Lord’s work goes on! Please be faithful in this season. Use one of our many on-line giving options (which includes mailing your offerings to the church).
11) Finally, I continue to ask you to PRAY EACH DAY! We are choosing to pray at the completion of our various lunch periods. Pray for our church; our community leaders; depressed, isolated people; our medical personnel; sick people; and our national leaders. Prayer is powerful and effective! On our website, you can submit prayer requests and keep up with current prayer needs.
Again, I love you, and I am proud to be your friend. Let’s put our trust in God! Let’s be calm as the pressure mounts around us. Let’s be kind to every person that we meet.
In His Care,