Dear FBC Family,
I want you to know I love you in the Lord. The days that we are living in are unprecedented, and truly we are all taking this one step at a time. Beginning today (March 18, 2020), I will begin sending steady communication to you regarding our week-by-week church schedule and plans.
Here are today’s updates:
1) Sunday morning worship services for the next 2 weeks (March 22 & 29) will be ON-LINE only. We will NOT be meeting together. Steve Colburn and I will meet in the sanctuary to lead worship and preach for the English-speaking congregation and Steve Martinez and his worship team will meet to broadcast to the Spanish-speaking fellowship. You can follow these service as a live feed on Facebook or YouTube. (More info to come.)
2) Currently, Sunday School classes will not meet in person. Jeff will be pursuing options to continue discipleship and Bible Study in the coming weeks. If you are Sunday School leadership, be prepared to hear from Jeff.
3) We will NOT be having Sunday evening worship services at this time.
4) A special section on our church website will be set up to provide information to you. Included will be video devotionals from staff, information on on-line giving, tutorials on how to set up and use RightNow Media, etc. The main thing is we want to continue to teach, disciple, and have community in creative ways.
5) None of our Wednesday night ministries will be offered on our campus (i.e. no Wednesday meal, no prayer meetings, no Special Ministries, etc). However, for our teenagers, Logan will be doing a live stream over social media. Stay tuned for more options that may develop.
6) For our Children’s Ministry, Ashley will be posting in our Kids Facebook Group and on the FBC website, She will post Sunday School lessons, videos, abbreviated Wednesday lessons focusing on Bible Skills, and helps to parents.
7) The Good News Cafe will move to a “Grab-n-Go” option. Meals will be prepared and then given to our guests as they walk up. No in-house dining will be allowed.
8) MissionFest unfortunately will have to be postponed until a later time. Please stand down on all these plans.
9) We are pursuing ideas for “Drive-In Worship!” The idea would closely mimic the way you watch a movie at the drive-in theater. You would pull into our parking lot, face the arranged worship stage, tune your radio to the designated FM frequency, and worship with us from your car! Stay tuned for more details.
10) These days give us wonderful opportunities for ministry and care. The staff has instituted opportunities to offer encouragement to CISD teachers and administrators, grocery store employees, police officers, and government authorities. We will be compiling “Encouragement Bags” for these people this Friday at 3pm. If you would you like to assist in compiling these bags, please call the Church Office for details.
11) Finally, I am calling our entire FBC Family to prayer. Everyday you will take a lunch, so I am asking you to pray each day at the end of your lunch period. If you eat at Noon, please pray from 12:50-1:00pm. Let’s be a people of prayer. Let’s put out full trust in God in these days.
Again, I love you, and we will get through this! If you have any need at all, please know our staff and deacons are ready to help you. Please don’t hesitate to call. Let’s let Psalm 100:3 be our comfort…”Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are His people, the sheep of His pasture!”