Home Sunday School Tips
I know you are suddenly school teacher, homeworker (or still going to work), AND parent, all while being cooped up with your kids & pets. We understand you can’t do everything. While education is important, our FAITH and LEANING on God is necessary during this time. Not only for us as adults, but for our kids as well. Please use these resources to the best of your ability to continue to point your kids back to Jesus! This also helps your kids keep some semblance of routine. While you don’t have to do these lessons Sunday morning, I encourage you to do them over the weekend.
- Watch the videos with your kids
- Ask them questions to see if they were paying attention
- They are used to seeing Ollie, and the So & So show, ask them who these people are!
- Download the parent guide, these have been put together for YOU keeping in mind the current situation.
- Download the God time cards for your kids to keep up with their weekly study. We give these to your kids EVERY week!
- Take a picture of their completed God-Time (at the end of the week) and send it to me so we can continue to give your kids their punches for completing them.
Lastly, take worship seriously with your family on Sunday. Turn off all other devices, sit and worship together. Be open to what God has in store for you and your family.
Call/Text me if you have any other questions (979.204.5449) <3 Ashley