Dear FBC Family,
Time keeps marching on, and another week has gone by. I see things that pain me, and I see things that encourage me. Let’s touch base on several key points for the week:
1) First of all, I simply want to ask you to PRAY! How our country needs the PEACE of God. How we need to pray for PERSPECTIVE in these days. How we need to pray for PATIENCE in a time like this. And how we desperately need an OUTPOURING of God’s Holy Spirit. Let’s ask God to change hearts and heal the divide in our nation.
2) Now to last Sunday’s worship…it was wonderful! We had the BEST ATTENDANCE we have had to date. We were up to 76 in the 8:30am service (mask required) and up to 140 in the 10:30am service. We had several members come back for the first time, and we had several guests. I would assume our sanctuary is about as safe as any place in town. Disinfecting and distancing protocols are going well.
3) If you need to stay home, I continue to invite you to join us for ONLINE WORSHIP. Worship begins at 10:30am online. Pre-service announcements begin at 10am.
4) We welcomed 3 NEW CHURCH MEMBERS on Sunday! Gloria Tipton joined on profession of faith and will be baptized soon. Tom and Kathe Miles joined by transferring their membership from Mildred Baptist Church. Join me in welcoming each of them!
5) I also remind you that NURSERY CARE will resume on Sunday, June 14 at our 10:30am service only. Be in prayer for Marjorie Bentz and our incredible nursery team as they prepare to take care of our babies and young families. I am proud that we have some of the best nursery care workers in Texas! Please encourage them when you can.
6) Tonight, we will begin our new Summer plan for WEDNESDAY NIGHTS! At 6pm I will be teaching a Bible Study on Philippians (the “joy” book) in the Sanctuary. (Live feed will be available.) Steve Martinez will be teaching in Spanish on Romans in the Chapel.
7) Videoing and production are at a fever pitch this week at the church as we prepare for our hybrid (at home/at church) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! You too can be a part of VBS by picking up posters and flyers at the church office to post in your business or around town! The dates are June 21-25, and registration is open now. Don’t wait!
8) We are an ACTS 1:8 church! Please consider being a part of these mission opportunities.
Simply Trusting Jesus Every Day,